Franklin Sanders

Franklin Sanders Articles

Inflation makes it hard to judge the value of everything. Because the measuring unit, the dollar, is always dwindling, how can you know what a price 10 or 20 years ago means? It's like shooting skeet off the back of a bass boat in a high...
Ahh, reality is stingy, and forces us to make choices. If you stop at McDonald's for lunch you can't eat at Burger King at the same time. Investors face the same choices. If you spend all your money on gold, you won't have any left for...
For several years I have been harping about the Dow in Gold Dollars (DiG$). Why? Because valuing stocks in terms of gold gives us a superbly reliable indicator of the trends in both stocks and gold. When we spot extreme highs or lows in...

Gold is found in nature in quartz veins

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