J. Kent Willis

J. Kent Willis is a Financial Advisor, Licensed General Securities Representative and the President of AGAPI Financial, LLC. He specializes in tangible assets, biblical faith-based investing seminars and balanced life strategies. He has traded gold and silver since the mid 1970's and resides in Kentucky. He can be reached at [email protected]

J. Kent Willis Articles

No subject related to gold is more debated than the possibility that gold may again be confiscated by the US Government during times of economic crisis. The very mention of this topic to the die hard "gold-bugs" causes them to panic, lose...
No subject related to gold is more debated than the possibility that gold may again be confiscated by the US Government during times of economic crisis. The very mention of this topic to the die hard "gold-bugs" causes them to panic, lose...
No subject related to gold is more debated than the possibility that gold may again be confiscated by the US Government during times of economic crisis. The very mention of this topic to the die hard "gold-bugs" causes them to panic, lose...

It is estimated that the total amount of gold mined up to the end of 2011 is approximately 166,000 tonnes.

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