first majestic silver

Joe Average

Joe Average Articles

The expression “Irrational exuberance” was originated by Alan Greenspan to describe a runaway stock market, and was made famous by Prof. Robert Schiller in his bestselling book. Now it seems we have a new expression... “Irrational...
Carlo "Charles" Ponzi (1882-1949) Born in Parma, Italy, Ponzi immigrated to America in 1903 and was quick to show his entrepreneurial flair. In 1908 he was imprisoned for two years in a Canadian prison on forgery charges relating to a...
“Cassandra cried and cursed the unhappy hour, Foretold our fate, but, by the god’s decree, All heard, and no one believed the prophecy.” (Aeneid 2.323, Dryden Translation).

The naturally occurring gold-silver alloy is called electrum.

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