Lorimer Wilson

Lorimer Wilson Articles

10 years ago every “analyst” and his brother was hyping the future price of gold and I kept track of their guesses in an article entitled “Gold Going To $2500, $5000, $10000, Even More? These 148 “Analysts Think/Thought So“. None of their...
The Elliott Wave Theory (EW) gives superb results in predicting the gold price. [While] it is a complicated system with many difficult rules [which] I explain in simple terms in this article, [I have determined that] once this present...
Of the 133 analysts who have now gone public in maintaining that gold will eventually go to a parabolic peak price of $2,500/ozt.+ before the bubble bursts, 90 - yes 90, maintain that gold will reach at least $5,000 per ozt. Take a look...
It is no longer a matter of whether or not you should buy gold and/or silver but, rather, which type of investment(s) and how much. You don't need a lot but you do need some - and here is a primer on just what type of investment vehicles...
You have no doubt read countless articles on the price of gold costing "x dollars per ounce", own a gold ring or some other piece of gold jewellery and/or wear or have bought/plan to buy a diamond ring but do you really understand what...
More than 95 respected economists, academics, analysts and market commentators are of the firm opinion that gold will go to $2,500 and beyond before the parabolic peak is reached. In fact, the majority (55) think a price of $5,000 or more...
To meet the growing needs of investors interested in investing in the broader, yet small-, micro- and nano-cap skewed, precious metals mining sector (i.e. the 'juniors') 4 new indices have come on the scene lately to wide acclaim. They are...
Merrill Lynch Asia (Bank of America) strategists Sadiq Currimbhoy, Arik Reiss, and Jacky Tang suggest that the S&P 500 could soar another 40% by December 2010 before it collapses completely based on a unique comparison with the Nikkei...
Trading without indicators is like running blind and it encourages emotional trading that is the bane of successful investors. Below are brief descriptions of 5 of the most popular gold mining company indices and how they should be used in...
Market analysts, investment newsletter writers and financial planners are always commenting on how well, or poorly, the precious metals (read gold) mining sector is doing based on how a particular gold/silver mining index is trending but...

It is estimated that the total amount of gold mined up to the end of 2011 is approximately 166,000 tonnes.

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