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Frank Shostak

Frank Shostak is an adjunct scholar of the Mises Institute and a frequent contributor to His consulting firm, Applied Austrian School Economics, provides in-depth assessments and reports of financial markets and global economies.

Frank Shostak Articles

If inflation is a general increase in prices, as most experts hold, then why is it regarded as bad news? What kind of damage does it do? Most experts are of the view that inflation causes speculative buying, which generates waste....
When signs of an economic weakness emerge, most “experts” are quick to recommend fiscal and monetary stimulus. Economic activity is presented in terms of the circular flow of money—spending by one individual becomes part of the earnings of...
According to many commentators, a growing economy requires a growing money stock, because economic growth gives rise to a greater demand for money. Failing to add more money, it is maintained, will lead to a decline in the prices of goods...
The yearly growth rate of the consumer price index (CPI) stood at 2.7 percent in November, against 2.6 percent in October. In June 2022, the yearly growth rate was 9.1 percent.
Following in the footsteps of John Maynard Keynes, most economists hold that one cannot have complete trust in a market economy, which is seen as inherently unstable. If left free, the market economy could lead to self-destruction. Hence,...
For most commentators, a “stable price level” is the key for economic stability. For instance, let us say that there is a relative increase in consumer demand for potatoes versus tomatoes.
According to the Austrian Business Cycle Theory (ABCT), the artificial increase in the money supply via central bank expansionary monetary policy lowers the market interest rate. This, in turn, causes the market interest rate to deviate...
It is widely held that financial asset markets always fully reflect all available and relevant information, and that adjustment to new information is virtually instantaneous. This way of thinking is also known as the Efficient Market...
To gain insight into the state of an economy, most economists rely on a common statistic named the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The GDP looks at the value of final goods and services produced during a particular period, usually a quarter...
According to some “experts,” there is an urgent need to remove cash from the economy. It is held that cash provides support to the “shadow economy” and permits tax evasion. Another justification for its removal is that, in times of...

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