John Rubino

John Rubino Articles

The Fed’s own data on the distribution of wealth in the US is a quarterly report card on the Fed’s official policy goal of the “Wealth Effect.” It has now released the data for Q4. The Fed uses monetary policies, such as QE and interest...
Gold mining stocks as a whole have underperformed Gold since 2007. The GDX to Gold ratio from its 2007 peak to its 2015 bottom declined 80%.
I am indebted to former Federal Reserve economist Lacy Hunt for his insights in a recent interview he did with Adam Taggart that I used in my presentation on March 10 at the Metals Investor Forum.
“It’s possible to have more than one reserve currency.” These are the recent words of Jerome Powell, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve. It’s a stunning admission from the one person who has the most control over the US dollar, the...
Conventional wisdom holds that stocks and gold are inversely correlated, which is to say they move in opposite (or at least unrelated) directions because they serve different purposes in a typical portfolio. Stocks are for capital gains in...
During the 1923 Weimar Republic hyperinflation, newly-broke Germans burned their life savings to keep warm or carted wheelbarrows of cash to stores to buy bread and milk. This wipe-out of an entire generation’s wealth led directly to...
Solar panels are basically microprocessors, so it’s not a surprise that they’ve been following their own version of Moore’s Law, declining in price by 5%-10% each year. As a result, solar is now competitive with fossil-fuel-derived...
You can summarize the current mood in Washington DC as “Please don’t let this be a return to the 1970s.” For younger readers, that was a decade in which excessive government spending and money printing combined with inept foreign policy to...
Gold bugs should never assume that the mainstream investing community actually understands finance. That includes the Wall Street Journal, which recently published an article (Gold as an Inflation Hedge: What the Past 50 Years Teaches Us) ...
The insights below were gathered from an excellent article by Matthew Piepenburg of Matterhorn Asset Management on “the implications behind central bank gold purchases (rising), negative real yields (falling), and Stanley Fisher’s Fed-...

Gold weighs 19.3 times as much as an equal volume of water.

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