
Consensus Articles

Despite mounting opposition to war with Iraq, the Bush Administration is intent upon bringing Saddam "to justice." The resulting rhetoric has dimmed the global community's view of the United States as reflected by the dollar's recent...
A little over two months ago, we expressed some doubt about the immediacy of a push to new recovery highs. We reasoned that the resumption of the up-trend necessitated a weaker dollar and/or a complication in the imminent U.S. war with...
The Cycles
Investment Conclusion Evidence is strong but inconclusive that the 4-year stock market cycle bottomed in July. If it has bottomed, then stocks can rally for most of next year. If it has not bottomed, then the window of opportunity for the...
The economy is receiving mixed reviews. From moment to moment, we hear goods news and bad news. The lack of a definitive economic assessment has held the Dow Jones Industrial Index in an anemic limbo for most of this year. Presumably,...
Inflation And Prices The Consumer Price Index rose 0.1% (1.3% annual rate) in July, the same rate of increase it posted in June. According to the Labor Department, the CPI indexes for food and energy, which were unchanged in June, rose 0....
Every July, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) releases revisions to the previous three years of economic data. Economists generally dread the revisions, as they are almost always large, and often alter their view of history...
The Cycles
People have always been fascinated by gold. It is thought that the first example of the metal being used as coinage was around 630 BC. It was certainly minted by Darius, King of the Persians in 500 BC. Gold's inert properties not only make...
On July 5th, the Dow Jones Industrial average soared more than 300 points on light volume. Weekend television commentary immediately seized the opportunity to encourage investors that the worst was likely to be over. This was a sign that...

The purity of gold is measured in carat weight.

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