Darren V. Long

Darren V. Long is Senior Analyst with Guildhall Wealth Management Inc.  Darren is a speaker, writer and financial commentator on gold, silver and the economy. He can be heard weekly on “The Real Money Show” on 640 am radio in Toronto discussing all facets of the precious metals markets. Listen to replays of all shows on www.therealmoneyshow.com 1.866.274.9570 www.guildhallwealth.com  now with an eStore and www.guildhalldepository.com or email at: [email protected]

Darren V. Long Articles

If you have not already figured it out, witnessed it for yourself, read about it, or otherwise experienced it firsthand, the developed world is swimming in debt in a proverbial sea of sharks without a life raft anywhere to be found. If we...
In this so often ungraceful world of money we are getting the opportunity to witness a coming of age. A story filled with bobs and weaves, peaks and valleys moments of joy and years of sorrow the likes of which are book worthy. An...
Admittedly I had some reservations in 2006, when we originally began explaining the merits of palladium ownership.  Not because I didn’t believe in the fundamentals of the palladium market, which are in many ways very similar to gold and...
The question that should be asked but never is. “Are we in worse shape than we were just prior to the last great financial crisis or are we better off?” I believe that very few, if any, of the problems that caused the last financial crisis...
Let’s cut to the chase. Gold and silver are about to embark on a wonderful spree of new highs. I have never had a crystal ball, and do not like to irrationally speculate on the market unless there are fundamental reasons to support a...
Kurt Vonnegut once said “Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion.” When it comes to watching the financial media discuss the “rosiness” of the US economy, frustration and exhaustion are two words that definitely...

Gold's special properties mean that it has a greater variety of uses than almost any metal.

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