Casey Research

Casey Research Articles

It was a very quiet trading day in gold on Monday---and even the the price spike that came minutes after the close of COMEX trading yesterday, didn't have a lot of volume associated with it. But it did improve moral a bit, as the gold...
Many experts hold dim views of the current state of the US economy—but what’s a prudent investor to do to make a profit? Find out what the blue-ribbon faculty of economists and investment pros at the recently concluded Casey Research Fall...
Years of a severe downturn in the gold market have left very few bulls to speak out in favor of the yellow metal. Here are some positive opinions on the future of the precious metal, from the recently concluded Casey Research Fall Summit.
Politics has long been a driver of international markets and fickle financial systems alike. Everything is connected. Here are some voices from the just-concluded Casey Research Fall Summit talking about cause, effect, and war.

The King James Bible mentions gold 417 times. Not once does it mention a paper currency.

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