Guy Christopher

Guy ChristopherMoney Metals columnist Guy Christopher is a veteran writer living on the Gulf Coast. A retired investigative journalist, published author, and former stockbroker, Christopher has taught college as an adjunct professor and is a veteran of the 101st Airborne in Vietnam.

Guy Christopher Articles

It’s hard to say which lie about gold is the biggest whopper. Many widely held beliefs about gold are lies – propaganda hammered home to have us believe the only true measure of wealth is government-issued debt.
How much do you think your gold and silver are worth?It's natural to value that worth in Federal Reserve note dollars since you paid a certain price in those dollars for your coins and bars. That keeps it simple.A more advantageous way to...
The astounding results of a groundbreaking, scientific study just released, the first of its kind we know of, confirms a lot we’ve suspected about mainstream journalists. Journalists are different than the rest of us.
Post-election airwaves and publications today are filled with bad news, good news and fake news. The bad news is ‘fake news’ is very real. The good news is fake news is nothing new. The even better news for gold and silver stackers is they...
Who could possibly have predicted the astounding results of the November 8th Presidential Election? A lot of folks, it turns out. Better than 60 million at last count. But that doesn't include highly paid, and obviously over-paid,...
Are you a millionaire yet? Me neither. We might have been by now, had we better understood the finer points of “fear” and “greed” during our investing lives.
Do young Americans today know anything about economics? No, they don't, according to a study during the 2016 presidential primary season, which says lots of other Americans don't either. The survey found 58% of millennials favor government...
This year marks the 101st anniversary of Andrew Jackson rolling over and over in his grave. Back in 1915, the brand new Federal Reserve pasted the 7th President's likeness on its first $10 debt note – a sharp slap to the President who...
The very first word anyone ever saw on a circulating United States coin was the word “LIBERTY.” From half-cents to silver dollars, each featured the likeness of an unnamed woman. The images varied, thanks to different engravers, but...
You didn't come here today for bad news. There's plenty of that everywhere you look…and even where you don't look. So here's the good news. A new rush to gold has begun. To see where we're headed, let's first see where we've been.

24 karat gold is pure elemental gold.

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