In August 2007, a credit crunch swept global markets forcing central banks to provide billions in emergency liquidity to ensure markets remained functioning. Despite the emergency infusion, financial markets and investment banks collapsed...
After the 2008 financial crisis, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke invoked Milton Friedman’s theory that a helicopter drop of money could prevent a collapsing credit bubble from becoming a Great Depression.
In January 2009, when bitcoin was released, its value was “basically nothing” ~wikipedia. Eight years later in January 2017, bitcoin was at $986 and in December reached $19,783, an astounding one-year rise of 1,900 %, outperforming the 1,...
Ten years ago, I was invited by the brilliant monetary theorist, Professor Antal E. Fekete, to give a talk at his Gold Standard University held August 15-31, 2007 in Szombathly, Hungary; and while there, I and others watched intently as a...
In May 2007, in Subprime America Infects Asia and Europe I predicted a severe financial crisis was imminent: the risks that have lain dormant beneath globalization's foundation are about to erupt and a reordering of the world's financial...
Donald Trump Is An Accelerant In A Burning House Of Cards. In the bankers’ endgame, slowing economic growth and excessive central bank liquidity forces investor capital into financial markets; driving up the price of stocks, bonds and...
Today’s rising interest rates and trillion-dollar losses in global bond markets are prelude to what is to come, i.e. rising inflation with higher interest rates ending in the bursting of the global government bond bubble and the long...
President-elect Donald Trump’s White House victory was a surprise, and so is the ripping sell-off in global bond markets, which has quickly driven US interest rates to the highest levels in a year. The rout has wiped out an estimated $1...
In the world of phenomena, everything has a beginning and an end; and today, the bankers’ endgame is moving closer to its inevitable resolution and demise. The question is no longer if, it is when and how.
Liquefaction: … 3: conversion of soil into a fluidlike mass during an earthquake or other seismic event, 4: inability of flooded capital markets to absorb additional capital without destabilizing paper assets, e.g. stocks, bonds,...