first majestic silver

Adam Hamilton

CPA, Principal & Co-Founder of Zeal LLC

Adam Hamilton, CPA, is a principal of Zeal LLC, which he co-founded in early 2000 as a pro-free market, pro-capitalism, and pro-laissez faire contrarian investing and speculating Information Age financial-services company. Hamilton is a lifelong contrarian student of the markets who lives for studying and trading them.

Adam Hamilton Articles

It's sure been an awesome year in the stock markets! By this week, the benchmark S&P 500 index (SPX) had soared 62.3% from its despair-laden March low and 21.6% year-to-date. Naturally the gains have been fantastic in this dream...
The ultimate key to success in all trading, both long-term investment and short-term speculation, is simple. Buy low, sell high. Excel in this, and trading the financial markets will eventually make you wealthy. But implementing this well-...
With gold forging glorious new record highs (in nominal terms), traders' interest in this metal's 8-year-old secular bull is ballooning rapidly. And like most commodities, the lion's share of gold trading happens in the futures markets. So...
Although copper is not the largest base-metal market (aluminum is way bigger), nor the most valuable of the primary base metals (nickel is worth several times more per pound), it is still arguably the most important base metal. As the base...
One-thousand Federal Reserve Notes per troy ounce! This past week gold edged over $1000 to close at its highest levels ever witnessed. This much-maligned investment has nearly quadrupled since its secular bull's humble beginnings in April...
Last week when gold started flirting with $1000, the gold stocks caught a serious bid. On an impressive 3.8% 2-day gold rally, the flagship HUI unhedged gold-stock index rocketed 15.7% higher! And the volume in this index's elite gold...
New gold investors are often surprised to learn that gold prices have a heavy seasonal component. Seasonality makes intuitive sense for commodities inexorably tied to orbital mechanics, like wheat. Their annual late-summer harvest really...
Silver's fundamentals offer plenty of reasons to be bullish in the coming years. Relentlessly growing global investment demand coupled with reduced production is a recipe for much higher prices. With something like 3/4ths of all the silver...
Last Friday, the central banks of Europe extended their landmark agreement on gold sales. 18 national central banks, along with the European Central Bank itself, signed the third Central Bank Gold Agreement. CBGA 3, like its two...
Among gold investors, the major drivers of the gold price are well-known. From mine production and central-bank sales to jewelry and investment demand, gold's fundamentals have been and will continue to be extensively studied. But over the...

Nearly 40 percent of all gold ever mined was recovered from South African rocks.

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