Bud Conrad

Bud Conrad Articles

Gold dropped to new lows of $1,130 per ounce last week. This is surprising because it doesn’t square with the fundamentals. China and India continue to exert strong demand on gold, and interest in bullion coins remains high.
The basic imbalance driving our economy is the government deficit, which spun out of control as a result of the Credit Crisis of 2008/9. But the sequester, improving tax base, lower interest rate, and elimination of stimulus spending have...
To put the current financial situation in perspective, here's a long-term history of the debt-to-GDP ratio, which reached a record high at the beginning of the current crisis. It was a dramatic change in 2009, unlike anything since the...
I have been analyzing interest rates because they can affect all of our investments. The lynchpin to the projection of US rates is how foreigners handle our US trade deficit, which is often described as “unsustainable”. This article...

Pure gold is so soft that a strong man can squeeze it and shape it.

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