Ronald Rosen

Ronald Rosen Articles

This gold chart may appear to be “Black Magic.” However, it is simply a display of the power of Mother Nature. A new high has occurred at every grouping of # 1 and # 2 high! The ensuing corrective low has consistently remained above the...
Contrary to every publicized commodity and stock market expert on this planet earth, gold did not, I repeat did not top at $1,923.70 an ounce in the month of September, 2011. Gold topped at $1,033.90 in the month of March 2008.
It appears that an extremely rare event occurred when the Dollar Index bottomed and began a bull move, while gold gained approximately $1,000. Something at least equally as rare must have occurred at the same time to cause this result.
We can believe Willem Buiter, Citigroup’s chief economist when he writes negatively about gold…or we can watch gold launch into outer space. This is strictly a 60-year market veteran’s opinion. However, my eyesight is still 20/20.
Gold and silver are not going to have a rally. They are going to experience a “Monster Bull Move.” The move that is ready to begin will be the largest bull move that the precious metals have ever experienced. The technical reasons why are...
We all know how the S&P500 responded to the advent of the QE’s, a Twist, and extreme low interest rates. As the saying goes, “It took off like a bat out of hell!” We can also use the old Superman shout, “Up, up and away!” This chart...
This long, disheartening, dismaying, giant correction is just about over. There have been four bull moves after each occasion that the price of gold touched the quarterly rising trend-line. Each bull move was greater than the previous bull...
If ever there was a time to buy gold and silver now is the time! The Delta turning points have never failed. I started working on Wall Street in 1956 with Carl M. Loeb, Rhodes & Co. In 58 years of working on and dealing with the...
Gold bullion bottomed this morning at $1,165.30. This is exactly on the long term quarterly rising trend line. The Dollar Index, the DJIA and the S&P500 are at a top and ready to collapse. This is a major turning point for the markets.
There is no better way to force every remaining “gold bug” to abandon ship than to have gold sink below the obvious major long term trend line. If this does take place there are many who will adamantly state that the “manipulators” are...

In 1933 President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102 which outlawed U.S. citizens from hoarding gold.

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