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Wall Street Silver

Wall Street Silver Articles

Join us today is Greg Foss, an expert in sustainable energy and high-yield credit trading, and we talk about his insights on the economy, banking risks, and the importance of owning hard assets like silver, gold, and Bitcoin to protect...
Global macro commentator Andrew Axelrod joins us today to discuss the current chaos in the markets and how the Federal Reserve is trapped in a dilemma of its own making.
Joining us today is Thomas Parilla, president of Parilla Investment Group, discussing the current state of the market and its impact on silver and gold. Thomas addresses the dilemma faced by the Federal Reserve and the potential...
In this video, Rafi delves into the unsettling parallels between the 2019 repo market crisis and the current state of affairs. With over a trillion dollars in treasury bills set to flood the market and the debt ceiling negotiations...
Rafi Farber, The End Game Investor, returns to the show to discuss the current chaos in the markets and the dilemma faced by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. Rafi explains the challenges of balancing inflation control and the need...
Todd Hoffman, the creator of Gold Rush on the Discovery Channel, joins the show, and we discuss the current state of the economy and its potential impact on silver and gold. Todd expresses concerns about a possible systemic crash of the US...
Pyotr Kurzin returns to the show, and this time we discuss the geopolitical issues concerning him for 2023 and how they will impact commodities like gold. Pyotr also talks about the overall global economic outlook and the inflation...
Willem Middelkoop, the author of The Big Reset and founder of Commodity Discovery Fund, returns to the show, and we discuss the international monetary system and the petrodollar system that has been the foundation of the US dollar since...
In this video, Tavi Costa, portfolio manager at Crescat Capital, discusses the current state of the economy and how it affects precious metals such as gold and silver. Tavi believes that gold will serve as a haven asset during turmoil and...
Peter Boockvar, Chief Investment Officer at Bleakley Financial Group, joins the show, and we discuss the potential banking crisis that may be looming with the recent interest rate hike by the Fed.

U.S. ranks third in world gold production with 240 tons per year

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