Rafi Farber

Rafi Farber Articles

Hey, did you hear about gold smashing through $2,600? Crazy, right? But here's the kicker - remember good ol' "Mr. Slammy" who always tries to keep prices down?
With $2,600 about to be hit in gold, and silver regaining $30, one of the rarest gold bull market signals is about to be triggered for the first time since 2001. That is, a golden cross in the gold to S&P 500 ratio. Last time this...
Gold keeps reaching new highs, but silver stays dormant. What's the deal? The deal is October 1978, when gold finally broke to new highs from 1974 but silver did basically nothing. Three months later though, by the beginning of 1979,...
Despite the rise to $2,500 an ounce, gold is still below where it was in 1971 in terms of percentage of assets on the Federal Reserve's balance sheet. Back on August 15, 1971 - exactly 53 years ago yesterday - gold made up 12% of Fed...
It's getting hairy out there. War may be imminent in the Middle East, and both stocks and commodities are dumping simultaneously. Gold, however, isn't selling off, pushing through $2,500 this week to new all time highs. Silver is lagging,...
This week Rafi Farber goes into the signs of increasing stress in the financial plumbing and growing signs of an incoming liquidity event.
As gold and silver have drifted down slightly over the last 3 weeks, gold open interest has plummeted, falling by over 100,000 contracts, but so far only making about a $100 dent in the gold price, just a 4% move.
Where do people pile their dollars in the End Game? We got a sneak preview this week, twice, as Iran and Israel both pretended to start World War III with mutual pretend bombing raids on each other telegraphed days in advance to the entire...
Gold has past $2,200 and silver is starting to catch up a bit, but this has been a commodity rally across the board, not specifically a gold or silver rally. That is yet to come.
Last week Rafi Farber detailed how the silver market is playing out the late 1970s almost exactly, and how we are currently situated in 1978. Well, it's not just silver. With gold at new all time highs and silver lagging, this was also the...

The term “carat” comes from “carob seed,” which was standard for weighing small quantities in the Middle East.

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