first majestic silver

Mike Maharrey

Mike Maharrey is a journalist and market analyst for with over a decade of experience in precious metals. He holds a BS in accounting from the University of Kentucky and a BA in journalism from the University of South Florida.

Mike Maharrey Articles

In the latest episode of the Money Metals’ Midweek Memo, host Mike Maharrey delved deep into the intricate realm of inflation, offering invaluable insights and debunking prevalent misconceptions.
Did you know Thomas Jefferson and many other prominent Founding Fathers predicted our current economic problems? No, they didn't have a crystal ball. They didn't need one. All they needed was an understanding of money and human nature.
Over the last few weeks, gold held its ground despite headwinds including a strong dollar and rising bond yields. Geopolitical tensions have supported safe-haven buying but it appears a new player is entering the market – hedge fund and...
As the Chinese accumulate more and more gold, they’re dumping U.S. Treasuries. That raises an important question: who is going to keep funding the federal government’s borrowing spree?
If you listen to mainstream punditry and government spinmeisters, you'll hear all kinds of reasons for inflation. It was supply chain issues! It's because Putin invaded Ukraine! It's Trump's fault!
Gold has surged to record highs of over $2,350 per ounce, and there is reason to believe this bull run has plenty of legs left.
In this week's episode of "Money Metals Midweek Memo," host Mike Maharrey delves into the often overlooked yet significant realm of gold investment, drawing an engaging parallel between gold's market perception and a personal anecdote from...
On Friday, Zimbabwe officials introduced a gold-backed currency in an effort to stabilize the economy. But the root of the country’s problem remains – the government.
According to the mainstream, it’s always time to sell gold. Maybe listening to mainstream talking heads isn’t the best strategy. On March 8, CNBC Fast Money featured TD Securities senior commodity strategist Daniel Ghali arguing that it...
Central banks continued to add to their gold reserves in February, albeit at a slightly slower pace. On net, global central bank gold reserves increased by 19 tons in February with some selling pushing down that total. It was the ninth...

Pure gold is non-toxic when ingested.

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