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US stocks set for second year of decline: economists

January 10, 2016

New York (Jan 10)  US stocks could well turn in their second successive year of decline in 2016, according to economists, with up to three more rate rises from the Federal Reserve ending the quantitative easing that has fuelled the market since 2008.

Since the global financial crisis, US stocks rose six years in a row – from 2009 to 2014, inclusive – only to decline in 2015.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average, a basket of 30 stocks, lost 2.2 per cent in 2015, while the broader S&P 500 fell 0.7 per cent.

That could be repeated this year, said former Bank of America Merrill Lynch economist Saul Eslake, with five factors weighing on stocks.

First, the US economy is performing well, but that is already priced in, said Mr Eslake.

"I don't think there's a lot of upside for the US sharemarket from the economy's likely performance," he said. "And it's hard to see how profit growth can really pick up given that profits are close to a record high. It's hard to see where the upside from profits can come from."

Second, US interest rates are due to rise, which is "not usually good for the sharemarket".

Third, US shares are vulnerable to developments in emerging markets – China's problems being a striking example. Other problems could include, for example, recessions in Brazil or Russia; the fallout in emerging markets from lower commodity prices; and the rising US dollar inflating the value of US dollar dominated debt in countries like Brazil, Mexico and Saudi Arabia.

Fourth, there are the political uncertainties of a US presidential election year. Donald Trump's likely candidacy of the Republican party, in particular, could entail a lot of "potential surprises," he said.

Overall, these factors seem to imply downside risk and not upside risk, Mr Eslake said, and the market "could be" in negative territory at year's end. "Don't ask me to forecast a number but yes, you would think so."

Citi's Global Macro Strategy, released this week, is also bearish on prospects for US shares.

"In the US, it's difficult to say that quantitative easing has played anything but a pivotal role in pushing equities higher," Citi said.

"Each of the various Federal Reserve quantitative easing programs has, to varying degrees, caused multiple expansion ... this may mean that Standard and Poor's 500 upside is hampered now that the Fed is raising rates."

Although Fed tightening did not necessarily equal sharemarket downside, said Citi, there were other bearish factors happening at the same time. These were disappointing US and global economic growth, followed by poor earnings growth driven by US dollar weakness, falling commodity prices and rising wage costs. "This worries us," said Citi.

The "only support" to US equities was the possibility of falling yields on Treasury debt, said Citi. This "might in turn further raise price-earnings multiples".

PIMCO, meanwhile has released a paper indicating the Federal Reserve will lift rates three times in 2016, by 25 basis points each time.

The Federal Reserve lifted rates by 25 basis points in December, the first move in rates for seven years, to a new target range of 0.25 per cent to 0.5 per cent.

"Predicting what the Fed will do in 2016 is likely to be easier than it has been in quite some time," said PIMCO analyst Tony Crescenzi.

"PIMCO concurs with markets on the ultimate speed and distance of the Fed's path on rates, which is widely expected to be slow and shallow.

"Our base case is for the Fed to announce three 25 basis point rate increases in 2016, lifting its target range to 1 -1.25 per cent."


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