Looking At Deflation Through A Magnifying Glass
There are many things that demonstrate the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of modern economics. However, the best evidence of this bankruptcy is the tremendous fear economists have of falling prices, a fear which is prompted by their looking at deflation through a magnifying glass.
In this week’s article I discuss the price of electricity and how it fell for decades on end. (The data is for 1930-2018 and prices fell from 1930-1971). Today, nothing scares economists more than falling prices, yet the industries associated with electricity generation didn’t just survive as prices fell, they thrived.
Thanks again for all the support and feedback. If you enjoy this week’s article, then let me know about it!
July 4th weekend is coming up in the US - we have Monday off, but I might take Friday off as well! For all of you without a four day weekend to look forward to, best wishes making it through the work week!