Abigail F. Doolittle

Abigail F. Doolittle Articles

2015 has been a year filled with volatility for the various financial markets on trading action that is perhaps starting to answer the question posed in January’s GFG Market Insight titled 2015: The Year of Massive Volatility?
After enjoying a robust bull market run for more than a decade, gold’s long-term uptrend officially reversed last October and something that suggests continued selling pressure is likely to drive gold lower – perhaps significantly lower –...
When you read the word “bottom” in a chart pattern’s name, you probably assume the pattern will carry a given marketplace higher for a sustained period of time. What you may not think about is a pattern that delivers a deceiving move up to...
This possibility is certainly showing in the chart of gold. As can be seen, gold has been trading in a trying multi-month sideways trend that represents confusion, uncertainty and frustration on the part of investors.
And after the highly bearish trading action of late July, this is worth considering with the “what’s next” question front and center for most investors. There’s little doubt that the slicing of the S&P500’s 6-month uptrend was vicious...
If you did not know what a parabolic uptrend looks like, you now do.
The short answer: yes. The complete answer, however, is a bit more complicated and depends on exactly what one considers to be a super spike.
Forget about the liquidity trap. We’re looking at the deluxe version of that rare economic situation and, ironically, the Fed has trapped itself. How? Through the odd combination of being too successful with its plan to reinflate risk...
Gold and the Dollar: Going Higher Together? Once in a blue moon, I change my mind after another look at the facts and after taking another look at the charts of gold and the dollar index more closely and in conjunction, it seems the moon'...
The following chart is my number one reason to be bearish and to believe we are in the worst bear market of our collective lifetime. Some things speak for themselves and, unfortunately, the long-term chart of the S&P 500 is one of...

In 1933 President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102 which outlawed U.S. citizens from hoarding gold.

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