Andy Sutton and Graham Mehl

Andy Sutton and Graham Mehl Articles

This will not be a long piece. It is not a memorial to Lehman Brothers nor is it an honorarium to the system that created Lehman, then crushed it along with a wide swath of American wealth and capital as well.
This will be a bit different article because we are not reporting on something that has already happened; we’re dealing with something that is ongoing and developing. Graham will handle roughly the first half of the article, then Andy will...
The third and final (for now) portion of this series might be a tad anticlimactic. If so, we apologize. Most people know America is in debt beyond comprehension. A small subset of people understand that the numbers published by the...
It occurred to us as we were laying out the contents of this article that we should probably not assume certain things. This publication has a wide readership, from corporate CEOs to high school students. The former are looking for...
A week post-Brexit and many will wonder what changed – if anything. In fact (and you’ll have to take our word for it) we started this column on the night of the vote; before the results were known publicly.
Last time our article focused on what has come to be known as 'escape velocity' -- and how an aeronautical term has come to be used to provide some boost to the perception of the US Economy, when in fact it actually has no velocity...

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