Antal E. Fekete

Antal E. Fekete Articles

I have never appealed to the so-called conspiracy theories in trying to explain the strange world of fluctuations in the price of monetary metals. But neither have I ever said that the fiat-money Hydra will take it lying down when it comes...
Germany is neither independent nor sovereign, prevailing pretences notwithstanding. It has American troops on her soil for reasons unexplained and unexplainable after all Soviet occupying troops were withdrawn almost 25 years ago. Equally...
Paul Krugman's article in the December 15 issue of The New York Times under the title G.O.P. Monetary Madness takes G.O.P. presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul to task for his 'ideological' stand on money. For excellent reasons, not all of...
"There is gold in them thar hills!" Occasionally we read in various columns of mainstream journalists that the Chinese have shot themselves in the foot when they (in violence of Friedmanite precepts) failed to revalue their currency...
In the 19th century a saying, long since forgotten, was current on Lombard Street: "There is nothing easier in the world than the banker's profession - provided that he can tell a real bill and a mortgage apart."
I welcome the Internet debate on the question whether the Mint should be opened to gold and silver. The latest contribution by Hugo Salinas Price, entitled Free Coinage of Gold and Silver - Then and Now, expresses doubts that such a...
Sources The financial instability that first surfaced with full force in 2008 is the result of a deteriorating condition in world finance going back 40 years. Worse still, that deterioration is continuing and threatens with an...
There is really just one question about China, the Western mindset's "enigma wrapped in mystery". How could the Chinese have made the colossal mistake of investing their hard-earned savings in the debt of the U.S. government - to the tune...
"The mountains went into labor and gave birth - to a mouse! This ancient quotation could be cited to characterize the publication of the long-awaited Financial Crisis Inquiry Report on Thursday, January 27, commissioned by an earlier...
An open letter to Paul Volcker, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, 1979-1987; Chairman of President Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, presented to him, in person, last year   Dear Paul:

The Incas thought gold represented the glory of their sun god and referred to the precious metal as “Tears of the Sun.”

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