Aubie Baltin CFA, CTA, CFP, PhD

Aubie Baltin CFA, CTA, CFP, PhD Articles

A perfect example of something completely out of whack, but melded into the new "normal”, are negative interest rates throughout much of the world. These negative interest rates are no longer for only short dated maturities. Rates are...
No one ever mentions the 100’s of billions of dollars in fines and penalties doled out to the biggest banks all over America and Europe, on an almost daily basis and yet without even one single indictment and of course no prosecutions.
"We inflate our paper currency, we repair commerce with unlimited credit, and are presently visited with unlimited bankruptcy." - R.W. Emerson, The Young American, 1844. Joseph Goebbels was Germany’s Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to...
SENTIMENT: The most reliable indicator of risk—although not as precise as money flow—is sentiment. It won’t give you the exact day, week or even month of an important market turn; I use our other indicators for that. However, it does give...
We find ourselves in the situation where a stock market crash worse than 1929 (in which the Dow declined 89%) is becoming ever more possible. Pension funds, endowments and personal retirement accounts are all at serious risk of almost...
As you know, I am the ultimate contrarian. I take nothing at face value especially government announcements and put everything under the microscope of common sense, free market capitalist economics. Instead of beating my own drum, my...
For many commentators there are two distinct camps in the Precious Metals markets: Investors in bullion vs speculators in the paper market. These two markets are pulling in opposite directions; most media hypes, the political class and...
Bernanke has the whole world trapped in his QE box. The local banks pay nothing on deposits, neither does Uncle Sam. No risk, no return, say the central-bankers-cum-central-planners. The economy lacks aggregate demand according to the head...
HAS THE GOLD MARKET MADE ITS LOW? -- I have been burning the midnight oil since the beginning of July trying to figure out an intelligent and useful answer: I now finally feel confident enough to state that June 30th was most likely the...
WHY IS THERE NO INFLATION?  -- Most economists, analysts, mavens of every sort and investors wonder why the Fed’s QE 1, 2,3 and 4  programs have NOT created any inflation to speak of and haven’t boosted the economy any more than it has, if...

Gold is widespread in low concentrations in all igneous rocks.

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