first majestic silver

Carlos Andres

Carlos Andres is the managing editor and chief analyst of both the Gold Miners and the Frontier Research Report investment newsletters. Both are natural resource and mining oriented publications focused on publicly-traded investment opportunities. Gold Miners covers large to mid-cap gold producers whereas the Frontier Research Report covers junior explorers operating in emerging and frontier markets. Carlos has been a natural resource analyst and investor for over 15 years.

Carlos Andres Articles

On The Street --- Well, Wall Street bets on the gold price for 2014 are in, and the table below shows where they stand. It appears that as a group, the big banks are hedging their bets because they are not overly bearish or bullish.
“If You Believe in Math, Buy Gold” -- This quote, taken from a CNBC interview with Brent Johnson, CEO of Santiago Capital, made its way into several commentaries this week. Most notably, it was the title of a follow-up interview published...
China has a proclivity to plan and a propensity to execute. Of particular interest to us in this regard is their focus on gold. In particular, the government has exerted considerable effort to develop and open its gold market.
We’ve spent a great deal of time this year, along with other market observers, detailing the dramatic and relentless rise of gold demand around the world. China and India have received a lion’s share of our attention, and rightfully so as...
Its long tentacles can reach out in any direction, grasping its prey in an inescapable vice-like grip. It can be found in all of the world’s oceans, is highly intelligent and has a varied arsenal of survival strategies that include a...
The Hong Kong gold import and export numbers for August are in and it’s clear that the unprecedented level of exports to Mainland China continues unabated. On a net basis, Hong Kong shipped a generous 110.5 tonnes of gold to the Mainland...

Nearly 40 percent of all gold ever mined was recovered from South African rocks.

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