Chris Powell

Chris Powell Articles

If reports this week are correct -- there is a severe shortage of gold -- the metallic kind rather than the paper kind -- in the London market, caused by the desire of bullion banks to ship a lot of metal to the United States before...
In his essay this week marking the 50th anniversary of the re-legalization of monetary gold in the United States in 1974 -- researcher and author Stuart Englert noted the opposition by Arthur Burns, then chairman of the Federal Reserve...
Frank Capra’s 1946 film, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” to be broadcast again Christmas Eve at 8 p.m. by NBC television, is loved most for its personal message of discovery at Christmas: that its hero’s life has been, unbeknownst to him, crucial...
At long last, complaints of gold price manipulation and suppression got some respect this week from the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, a London-based group connected with central banks. 
Money Metals writer Mike Maharrey yesterday shot down the laughable assertion made this week by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell that bitcoin is, "like gold," merely a "speculative asset" and thus a competitor with gold, not the...
Responding to the recent commentary about the idea to spectacularly increase the U.S. money supply via the minting and depositing at the Federal Reserve of one or two platinum coins of trillion-dollar denominations, a friend asks: What...
In an interview this week with Mark Moss of Market Disruptors that is posted at YouTube, Luke Gromen of the Forest for the Trees financial letter notes something about the U.S. Treasury Department and Federal Reserve that has also been...
This week, the brilliant journalist and financial analyst Mike Maharrey of Money Metals revisited the recent dream of increase the U.S. money supply by means of the U.S. government's creation of one or two platinum...
Headlines like this have been pummeling the monetary metals sector in recent days: "Gold Is Getting So Expensive That Even China's Central Bank Stopped Buying."
You might get a rueful laugh from a report in yesterday's Wall Street Journal that was headlined "Inside the 21st-Century Gold Rush" and appears in the clear at here:

The melting point of gold is 1337.33 K (1064.18 °C, 1947.52 °F).

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