C.J. Maloney

C.J. Maloney has more than a quarter century of experience in the financial industry. The opinions expressed here are those of the author alone and not any of his employers, future, past nor present. He is the author of Back to the Land: Arthurdale, FDR’s New Deal and the Costs of Economic Planning (Wiley, 2011) and is currently working on a book regarding the origins of the Federal Reserve System. He may be reached at [email protected]

C.J. Maloney Articles

Gold, that most divisive of metals, has been much talked about of late as its market price surges, a strange thing to witness considering that it was long ago banished from the monetary system and condemned as a “barbaric relic.”

USA has the world’s largest holdings of gold: 8,134 - representing 77% of its Total Foreign Reserves.

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