Dennis Miller

Dennis Miller Articles

It’s been over 3,280 days since a hurricane hit Florida. As hurricane season comes to a close next month, only Mother Nature knows how long the streak will last.
I was just a kid—barely wet behind the ears. At two minutes before midnight, the sergeant of the guard and I marched onto the runway tarmac. Following protocol, I formally relieved the previous guard of his post.
You may have heard the old adage: “What is worse than being lost? Not knowing you are lost.” In that same vein: What is worse than being at risk? You guessed it! Not knowing you’re at risk.
I had the privilege of interviewing Louis James, the chief metals & mining investment strategist at Casey Research. Louis is the editor of Casey International Speculator, the first subscription newsletter I ever bought, and I am...
Quantitative Easing (QE) is no longer a surprise, but the fact that it's continued for so long is. Like many Miller’s Money readers, I believe the government cannot continue to pay its bills by having the Federal Reserve buy debt with...
"Mr. Bernanke, on the way out, don't let the door hit ya, where the good Lord split ya!" That's what I've imagined my former coworker Charley—a brilliant Alabamian who was proud to be called a redneck—might have said as the former Fed...
Recently I spoke with the always-insightful Nick Giambruno about the critical importance of internationalizing your retirement savings. It's an uncomfortable fact of life that governments that are desperate for cash inevitably find ways to...

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York holds the world's largest accumulation of monetary gold.

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