Don Swenson

Don Swenson Articles

China announced on September 4, 2017, that they desire to import their oil using their Yuan currency (backed by gold)…not the US petrodollar.  Since China is the biggest importer of oil on our planet this decision should/could dramatically...
Since the financial crisis of 2008 up until today…government leaders, our political advisers, and our banking administrators have essentially accomplished ‘nothing’ meaningful. Our financial problems today are actually much worse than...
Our monetary unit is now a mere ‘digit’ in the computer screen, Mr. Trump. This ‘digit’ ($) floats and fluctuates against all the other ‘digit’ currencies on our planet continually. Are you aware of this reality, Mr. Trump? In addition to...
The Trump Doctrine wants to fix the trade imbalances which America runs with many of its trading counterparts (like China, Mexico, India, etc.). But this is nearly impossible without a return to a settlement mechanism like a gold standard...
Money is now a ‘no thing’ unit ($$$$$$$) created by select bankers from their thinking. The unit emerges from a banker’s consciousness (and then gets typed into a computer screen) and this means the unit is ‘no thing’ (nothing). The unit...
Some 30 – 60 Central Bankers met in Basel, Switzerland last weekend (June 25-26) to coordinate policies after the BREXIT vote. Yes, our global markets are now controlled, monitored, and rigged by these global CENTRAL planners (operating...

Gold is perfect for use in coins and jewelry as it does not react with air or water like many other metals.

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