Dr. F.T. Dao

F.T. Dao is a private investor and recently left the corporate world for technical analysis of stock markets.  He holds a PhD degree in physics and has done technical analysis of the market on the side for many years.  He welcomes constructive discussion and can be reached at:  [email protected]  , [email protected]

Dr. F.T. Dao Articles

Recently there is a hot topic: When will gold bullion replace US dollar as the major reserve currency?  Will the replacement be realized in 2020?  Given the printing press and the global turmoil with Covid-19 pandemic and warring factions...
There has been lots of discussion on rise of gold price as related to inflation or to deflation.  In this article, we will state our own firm belief based on our technical analysis both for near term and for long term.
In this article we will study the streaming company of precious metals as compared to the mining company.  These two classes of mining companies have a different approach to the business model.  The streaming company can be liken to a bank...
We all love to look at stars in our life, whether in films or in sports.  This may be an innate sense of hero/heroine worship.  In the bible, we learn that the wise men and astrologists from the East looked at the stars in the sky to...
In this article we present our further study of current Covid-19 virus triggered crisis and make comparison to the 1929 Great Depression crisis. The two key markers leading to financial crisis are: Social injustice, including the gulf...
Throughout our history there are financial storms.  There are booms and busts with basic human greed and fear.  In this article we focus on the current storm situation, triggered by the global Convid-19 virus pandemic. Today the situation...
Deflation is Here With more data coming in, it is more likely that severe deflation is here already despite the hectic printing of currencies in all major countries. The specter of high inflation due to printing may be false.  The reason...
This Memorial Day of 2020 will always be ingrained in our mind for the horrendous Convid-19 virus affecting the whole world. At the same time, we all come to honor those health workers and fighters who have given life in the Invisible War.
Except for the Almighty, all things have limits in this world.  Our knowledge of the vast universe is limited by the speed of light.  Our knowledge of the most minute particles is limited by the uncertainty principle. Of course the current...
It is inevitable that there will be a monetary reset in the not too distant future to rein in the unlimited fiat currency printing by all major countries.  It is clear that gold will play as an important anchor in the reset.  There are...

China has only 2% of its Total Foreign Reserves in gold.

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