Jay Taylor

Jay Taylor Articles

Even as the stock market was ascending to undreamed of heights, IAN GORDON warned our subscribers in our June 11, 1999 interview, that we were nearing an end of the greatest bull market in the history of the stock market. This would end,...
The talking heads on CNBC and the other official members of the American misinformation machine are trying to con investors into buying the stock market on the basis that it is now so cheap. This is of course a monumental lie. But Wall...
Pushing Emotions Aside & Allowing Objective Truth to Prevail
From a technical viewpoint, the U.S. equity markets had reached an "oversold" position following the post-attack decline so the last two week's rise was not terribly surprising to market pros.
I lead a panel discussion on gold at the Cambridge House in Calgary last weekend. On the panel were Bob Chapman, Bob Bishop, David Tice and Ian Gordon. The panel's views on gold ranged from mildly bullish (Bob Bishop) to rabidly bullish (...
Unfortunately our Warnings Seem to be Unfolding The evidence for a decline is well documented from an historical perspective as Ian Gordon points out so well. Equally convincing is the evidence of a gold price conspiracy as outlined in...
In the midst of dominating news coverage, CNBC has managed to ask a host of commentators about their views on how the September 11, 2001 tragedies will alter the markets. Of course we hasten to point out as always these commentators bring...
Wall Street is befuddled. It can't figure out what is going on because economists are operating with an economic model that is about as out of touch with reality as if a physician tried to examine a pain in your big toe by listening to...
Gold came off a bit last week as the manipulators continued to bide their time. Given the ridiculous levels to which the dollar has risen, manufacturing, mining and farming in America are all in deep trouble. Thus, with the real producers...

18 karat gold is 75% pure gold.

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