Jay Taylor

Jay Taylor Articles

On March 6th and 7th, there was a meeting of top Russian Politicians, Bankers, Economists held in Moscow. Sponsored by an agency of the Russian government, its focus was entirely on the U.S. economy. The conference attracted some 200...
The price of gold exploded upward by $18.25 per ounce last week to close at $286.15 in New York. Why this dramatic rise? The "Financial Times" which falls all over itself to explain why gold is indeed a barbaric relic and which always...
NEWS-GURU Doug Gillespie Suggests Rate Cut Won't do Much for Stocks. My fellow News-Guru, Doug Gillespie who like myself frequently contributes his ideas, without charge, to www.newsgurus.com, had the following to say yesterday about...
The action in the stock market yesterday was very interesting. Before the market opened, unemployment numbers caught Wall Street off guard because they were much higher than expected. Actually the consensus was for a slight gain in...
Stocks Remain Hugely Overvalued!
How do you analyze a manipulated gold market is the question Bill Murphy and many more of us on the long side of the market have been asking for some time now. We do take some comfort from the fact that the gold lease rates remain...
To understand what might force an end to the gold manipulation scheme, it might be instructive to again examine the economic motives put in place by the central banks to make it worth while for the bullion banks to play the game. As...
Not surprising to me at least, the U.S. Treasury filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit brought against it by Reginald Howe, which cites among other charges, manipulation of the gold market. This is almost an automatic requirement of the...
The big news this week was gold interest rates. At one point on Friday the 30-day lease rate actually reached 7% compared to a more normal rate of around 1%. A week or two ago, the rate soared into the 4% to 5% range and that created quite...

Gold was first discovered in U.S. at the Reed farm in North Carolina in 1799, a 17-pound nugget.

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