John Grandits

John Grandits Articles

Last week, MarketWatch ran an article written by InvestorPlace editor Jeff Reeves and titled, “Seven Reasons to Sell Gold Now.” It offered the usual cookie-cutter reasons that gold supposedly is not a good investment right now: lack of...
With much of the price action in gold driven by sentiment and technical analysis, you should keep an eye on the broader trends, even if you consider yourself a buy-and-hold investor. Traders use technical analysis to predict future market...
In December, we argued gold’s post-election decline didn’t reflect its fundamentals and that now could be a good time to add some to your portfolio. It just so happened that shortly after, the price began rising.
When the Federal Reserve raised interest rates in December—and then laid out a plan to do so three more times in 2017—theory suggested gold should fall. As gold is a non-yielding asset, the cost of holding it increases as rates rise....
Money market funds are regarded as the safest, most conservative investment. It’s where cash in most checking, savings and brokerage accounts resides. The invested amounts are readily converted into cash when we need to settle transactions...
If you were to set up an investing Hall of Fame, it would be filled with names like Stan Druckenmiller, George Soros, Carl Icahn, and David Einhorn. These experts have shown an uncanny ability to surpass the market over long periods of...

China is the world’s biggest gold producer with more than 355 tons annually. Australia is second.

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