
KeyserSoze Articles

Eight Reasons to Invest in Precious Metals in the Present Market Environment There are at least eight reasons to seriously consider investing in gold and other precious metal mining stocks now:
To be sure we are all sick and tired of many bankers and stock brokers belittling all types of gold investments. Long years of nothing more than platitudes, cliches and glib sayings. They carp and harp that gold is dead - that it is a "...
One of the best ways to evaluate any stock is to compare salient characteristics with those of the same class. If one is to determine if a particular stock is dearly priced or is cheap, just compare it with its peers to put it into...
WANTED: Greenspan (FRB), Camdessus (IMF) and Eddie George (BOE) for premeditated murder of American Farming Soybeans At 26-Year Low - DEVASTATING THE US FARMER CHICAGO (Reuters) - Fading worries that a crop-damaging heat wave could hit...
An Orchestration by the Four Horsemen of the Gold Apocalypse… G7 Gold Sales A Yahoo communiqué on June 12, 1999 is painfully demonstrative of the outrageous audacity of G-7 nations to nurture and perpetuate the cancerous lie surrounding...

Gold is perfect for use in coins and jewelry as it does not react with air or water like many other metals.

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