Matt Machaj, PhD

Matt Machaj, PhD, is an economist whose research is focused on the monetary policy, the gold standard, and alternative monetary regimes. Matt is a university professor, blogger, publicist, founder of the Polish Mises Institute branch, member of Property and Freedom Society, and laureate of Lawrence Fertig Award. Dr. Machaj’s  premium analysis at Sunshine Profits, where he publishes his gold Market Overview - monthly reports that focus on the big, fundamental picture and key things that can affect investors over the long run.

Matt Machaj, PhD Articles

Can the gold price be fundamentally related to some other economic variables? Can we use those variables successfully in trying to predict the future price of gold? Is gold highly correlated with any of those variables?
Last week all (investors’) eyes were on the Fed, and the Fed delivered. A small (if you can call $10 billion “small”, but it is on a relative basis) form of tapering of the Quantitative Easing program was announced and markets reacted to...
On November 19th at National Economists Club Annual Dinner Bernanke gave a speech which could be seen as a sort of testimony or farewell (probably one of many coming soon). The message he has sent was in perfect compliance with what was...
Atlanta Federal Reserve President Dennis Lockhart delivered the news, responding to all speculation about the coming back issue of possible “tapering”. Despite the chairman change for Ms. Yellen, the tapering issue did not taper out yet....
Stepping aside by Bernanke remains a bit of a mystery, about which nobody cares. Why is he quitting his office? He was considered as the most competent man for the job – sophisticated money printing analyst, who is brilliant and capable of...
As we mentioned previously (in case of Bernanke) it is always worthwhile to study previous careers of potential central bankers in order to understand their future role in case they get elected (Alan Greenspan being a proud exception to...
Economics is an ironic science (if it is science at all by physicists’ standards). One can be perfectly correct about various phenomena in general, but offer completely wrong predictions in detail. Nevertheless offering correct predictions...
Without a doubt, the biggest news in recent weeks has been the upcoming replacement of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke by Janet Yellen, Vice Chair of the Board of Governors and a highly qualified economist who, many predict will continue in the...
Even though the so-called “tapering” of the Fed did not take place in September it is that probable that it would happen in the near future? As the case of European Central Bank demonstrates, the shrinking of the balance sheet may happen...
In the previous update we have seen how Federal Reserve’s balance sheet grew in the last few years. Now let us look how this growth coincided with increases on the stock market:

The term “carat” comes from “carob seed,” which was standard for weighing small quantities in the Middle East.

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