Michael Lombardi

Michael bought his first stock when he was 17 years old. He quickly saw $2,000 of savings from summer jobs turn into $1,000. Determined not to lose money again on a stock, Michael started researching the market intensely, reading every book he could find on the topic and taking every course he could afford. It didn’t take long for Michael to start making money with stocks, and that led Michael to launch a newsletter on the stock market. Some of the stock recommendations in Michael's various financial newsletters have posted gains in excess of 500%! Michael has authored and published over one thousand articles on investment and money management. Michael became an active investor in real estate, art, precious metals and various businesses. Michael received his Chartered Financial Planner designation from the Financial Planners Standards Council of Canada and his MBA from the Graduate Business School, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Michael Lombardi Articles

Michael Lombardi, MBA, financial guru and lead Profit Confidential contributor, explains why mining companies have pulled back on the production of gold bullion, how this is affecting the supply of the precious metal, and how demand for...
Since the beginning of 2013, gold’s price action has been irrational. The fundamentals are getting better for gold in respect to demand and supply, but we see sudden, wild swings, often to the downside, on no news and for no apparent...
On November 30, Switzerland’s citizens will cast a very critical vote. Through a referendum, they will vote for or against the Swiss National Bank increasing its gold bullion reserves to 20%, the central bank halting the selling of gold,...
The fundamentals that drive gold prices higher are in full force and improving. Central banks are buying more of the precious metal (to add to their reserves), while countries that are known to be big consumers of gold bullion post...
The rise in gold bullion prices since the beginning of the year has been very hard to digest for those who said the precious metal is useless. To me, this rise in gold bullion prices isn’t surprising at all.
The demand and supply situation of gold bullion is clearly going in favor of the bulls, and I continue to believe the precious metal is presenting investors with a buying opportunity of a lifetime. I believe that if I buy now, I will...
Is it just me, or are the banks, who’ve never really cared about the direction of gold bullion, turning outright negative on the precious metal?
I turned bullish on gold bullion in 2002. At that point, gold bullion was trading around $300 an ounce. Now, it trades above $1,250. Simple math suggests this is an increase of about 260% in 11 years, or an average gain of about 23.6% a...
We recently learned sales for this year’s Black Friday weekend declined for the first time since 2009. I have been warning my readers for months that falling consumer confidence would result in a pullback in consumer spending—and that’s...
The only thing keeping the stock market alive is the easy money that is indirectly being pumped into it by the Federal Reserve, nothing else. The fundamentals for the market are dead in the water.

The purity of gold is measured in carat weight.

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