Mickey Fulp

Mickey Fulp Articles

Price ratios determine relative value of the precious metals and are useful tools for deciding which metal to buy at any given time.
Non-renewable natural resources (e.g., industrial metals, precious metals, agricultural minerals, industrial minerals and rocks, energy fluids, and energy solids) are extracted from Earth’s surface and its depths. Exploitation of these...
Today’s contribution in our ongoing series on commodities prices and economic metrics is a study of the relationship between the price of gold and the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV). The TSXV is the world’s foremost venture capital...
Today I document and analyze gold and oil prices and their ratios from January 1970 to August 2018. This is the second part of our research and analysis on gold-oil ratios since World War II.
Price ratios determine the relative value of commodities and are useful parameters to determine if a particular commodity is fairly valued, oversold, or overbought.
The usually suspect gold bugs and perma-bulls have been quite noisy over the last few weeks trying to convince bullion traders and stock speculators that the price of gold and ergo, the market capitalization of gold stocks are on the verge...
Today I revisit a subject that was prominent in the American conscious post-global economic crisis and brought to the forefront by the rare earth element and lithium bubbles from 2009 to 2011:
The gold/silver and platinum/gold price ratios determine the relative value of the precious metals -- and are useful parameters in deciding which metal to buy at any given time (Mercenary Video, March 19, 2016).
In the aftermath of the global economic crisis of 2008-2009, governments throughout the world have fostered a tenuous recovery predicated on massive increases in money supplies and debasement of currencies.
The gold to silver price ratio determines the relative value of the two precious metals and is a useful parameter in deciding which metal to buy at any given time (Mercenary Video, March 19, 2016).

A gold nugget can be worth three to four times the value of the gold it contains because they are so rare.

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