Mike Golembesky

Mike Golembesky Articles

The Dow Jones Industrial Average continued to move higher, having only one red close since the low that was struck on September 26th. Furthermore, the Dow has now broken through a key longer-term Fibonacci resistance level that we had been...
In early September I wrote an article that asked the question, “Is it back to buy the dip or time to sell the rip?” Since the publication of that article, the Dow has moved up over 900 points off of the low that was struck on September 5th...
The USD/CAD fell close to 1400 pips from the May 2017 highs into the July lows. In August the currency pair retraced over 350 pips topping out at 1.2777. Since the high that was struck on August 15, the USD/CAD has once again moved back...
Last week the XIV moved up into the 83.07-93.56 resistance zone before turning back lower hitting a low of 76.07 on Tuesday, September 5th. Since this low, we have seen the XIV move back higher in what is so far counting best as a...
Last week The Dow Jones Industrial Average saw a peek high that was up just over 400 points off of the August 21st lows. This move represented a percentage gain of just under 2% during this 2-week period. Furthermore, this move higher off...
After falling 26% from the July 8th high the XIV has seen a retrace and is now trading 15% up off the August 8th low. The smaller degree wave structure of the move up off that low has been very sloppy and has already provided quite a few...
The US Dollar (DXY Index) has moved relatively sideways over the past several weeks. The pattern that we have seen up off the August 2nd low has also been quite corrective in nature. This sideways action does fit with our larger degree...
The Dow Jones Industrial Average has moved down close to 600 points off of the high that was struck on August 8th into August 21st lows. Now in percentage terms, this 600 point move is quite a small only representing a move of just 2.6%....
Last week the XIV saw the largest price drop in over a year falling over 23% from the July 26th High. After bottoming on August 10th the XIV moved back higher stalling out just under the 61.8% retrace level in what counted best as a...
The U.S. Dollar (DXY Index) hit a low of 92.55 last week and has since moved up just about 1% off of that low. While not a huge gain from a percentage point of view, given the U.S. Dollar's fairly deep fall since the January highs this is...

The melting point of gold is 1337.33 K (1064.18 °C, 1947.52 °F).

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