Ned W. Schmidt

Ned W. Schmidt Articles

Last we visited on the subject of US inflation (November, 2015) we wrote: "Using those simplistic numbers suggests that U.S. inflation as measured by the [headline] CPI could rise to an annual rate of about 4% ..." That possibility is now...
Even a cursory review of US stock market indices over the past year shows sharp differences in the character of the first half of last year and the latter half. A clear discontinuity occurred in the path of that market. That a Part A and a...
Is US inflation setup to upset the markets? Motivation for considering this question begins with graph to right. Plotted in that chart is the year-to-year percentage change for the median U.S. CPI. That measure is calculated monthly by the...
Rarely does childish selling of the Street and massive forced selling in China give Gold investors an opportunity to potentially double their money. That is what it may be happening at this very time in Gold and Silver markets.
Imagine you could go back in time so you could buy some investment at a bargain. Many might also wish to go back in time to sell something. But, let us stick with the idea of returning to an earlier time to buy some asset, like before Gold...
On morning of 17 November, while Western investors were sleeping, China opened the door to its investment world. On that day China began two way trading between the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges. This development essentially...
End of empire is a difficult time for two groups, investors and patriots. A hundred years ago the U.S. took the economic baton from England to become the most important economy in the world. No doubt some loyalists refused to recognize...
Markets often do talk to us, if only we would listen. Our ears serve as only part of listening. An open mind is also required. Regrettably, minds receptive to new thoughts and questions have been somewhat outmoded in the investment world...
Half of 2014 is nearly behind us, and little is turning out as popularly expected. That is unless one was watching development of the past year with an unbiased view. As can be observed in the following chart, the GDX, a Gold stock ETF,...
Thus far in 2014, April ended on schedule and May arrived as expected. Well-placed sources, wishing to remain anonymous as they are not at liberty to speak on the matter, suggest that June will also arrive on time. That seems to sum up the...

Seventy-five percent of all gold in circulation has been extracted since 1910

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