Peter Cooper

Peter Cooper has been a senior business and financial journalist for 20 years. Since selling his dot-com news website before the global financial crisis he's been a gold and silver investor. Cooper studied politics, philosophy and economics at Trinity College, Oxford University. He was 'financial journalist of the year' in the UK some 25 years ago for his scoop on the privatization of Russian real estate, the largest privatization of public property in history. You can reach Peter at: [email protected].

Peter Cooper Articles

Black swans are unknowable and unexpected events that swing financial markets, and the New Year has seen a small flock of them propelling gold prices upwards and close to a breakout from the recent bottoming formation on technical charts.
There is a well-established reverse relationship between the US dollar and commodity prices. When the US dollar strengthens then commodity prices fall, and vice-versa. The four-and-a-half year slide in commodity prices began in mid-2011 at...
After more than four years of falling gold prices even the most ardent goldbug is beginning to scratch his head and have moments of disbelief. Why did gold fall around 10 per cent to date in 2015, the US dollar rise by about the same...
So the Fed stopped playing with the market and finally increased rates by 0.25 per cent on December 16th. This had become the consensus view and came as no shock, so nothing much happened in financial markets, at least at the moment of...
Black Friday was the worst day for gold prices in three years with a dip to $1,052 an ounce. That’s almost exactly the bottom in prices that many chartists have been saying has to occur before a price rebound.
Since the lows of August the gold price and gold shares have started to outperform the S&P500 index despite the exit of capital from gold exchange traded products.
My brother always said he would only start to buy gold when the Fed finally raised interest rates because that would be the signal that inflation was a threat to the US economy and a bullish indicator for future gold prices.
The higher than expected figure for US non-farm job creation of 271,000 has brought the Fed much closer to pushing the plunger down and exploding the global economy with its first interest rate rise in nine years.
‘It’s all about the Fed’ is about the most typical soundbite on Wall Street these days. If you expanded on that then few macro analysts would argue that this can be usefully expanded to ‘It’s all about the major global central banks, that...
Gold is starting to be taken more seriously by global investors and traders for the first time this year. Some talk of a ‘sea change’ in attitudes towards the precious metal this autumn.

The periodic symbol for gold is AU which come from the Latin for gold aurum.

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