Rory Hall

Rory Hall Articles

Once in a while it seems everything aligns just right and the world spins in the orbit we choose. This happened recently just after the publication of Gold: Still Money for a Reason The article was published on several other websites and...
We have stated time and again that gold is part of the monetary system it is just not on the front burner. If gold were not part of the monetary system national (central) banks would no longer hold it, nor would it be recorded on balance...
The evidence continues to mount proving the work that GATA has performed for the past two decades is, not only 100% accurate, but shows how much a part of world gold actually plays. Don’t think for a minute that gold is not part of our...
Finally! Not only is this a great day for Texas, it is a great day for anyone that wishes to store their gold outside of their own possession. If you’re comfortable, or have enough gold to store elsewhere, this may be an option to consider.
Many of you may remember the great debate between then Congressman, Dr. Ron Paul and then Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, when Dr. Paul asked Mr. Bernanke if gold was money. The look on Bernanke’s face is absolutely priceless.
Not sure how much more “radically undervalued” gold could be than it is today. The bullion banks and “market makers” are doing their level best to ensure the undervaluation remains in place – and possibly moving lower.
Normally, I don’t step out and make such bold statements as gold mining supply IS collapsing, however, in this case it seems appropriate. We have reported on several occasions just in the past week, here, here and here how some of the...
Another month passes and another hundred thousand ounces (3.11 tons) of physical gold get added to the Kazakhstan gold reserve vault. Each month this nation makes another deposit of physical gold and each month the vast majority of media...
Apparently there’s gold in them there trash cans!! At least in South Korea. It seems a janitor was doing his daily routing when he lifted an unusually heavy bin of refuse. Upon further investigation, the janitor who wishes to remain...
It appears we are seeing another sign of the frequency shift. Over the past few weeks we have been speaking more about this shift in terms of spirituality and and community, but today we see it manifesting in a whole other area.

One ounce of gold is so ductile it can be drawn into a wire 50 miles long

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