Sol Palha

Sol Palha Articles

Financial experts continue to state that the markets are going to crash, even though their record since this bull market started back in 2009 has been dismal to the say the least. To complicate matters, some of these same experts suddenly...
Since Trump was elected we noticed something interesting; economic news seems to have less of an impact than Geopolitical developments. Polarisation has had the effect it was intended to trigger; the masses and the markets are focusing on...
The stock market crash story is getting boring and annoying to a large degree. Since 2009, there has been a constant drumbeat of the market is going to crash stories. In 2009, many experts felt that the market had rallied too strongly and...
The Fed has been trying to create the illusion that inflation is an issue. The guys from the hard money camp also maintain that inflation is an issue and to a point they are right. Their definition of inflation is an increase in the money...
The gold bugs and gold experts must be going through hell; almost seven years later and the gold markets refuse to follow the path these individuals have laid out for it. Proclamation after proclamation has failed, and the detested dollar...
Throughout  2016, we stated we did not expect much from gold, and we stuck to this forecast, even though many experts went out of their way to report that gold was ready to soar to the Moon or even to the next Galaxy.  In fact, since 2011...
Remember over a year ago when they first raised hikes, they huffed and puffed warning everyone that they would raise rates several times in 2016…and viola nothing happened until now. Now they are repeating the same thing all over again.
In September we penned a second article in the Alternative Dow Theory series, titled “Dow theory no longer relevant-Better Alternative exists where we stated that the Dow Theory as it stood was no longer relevant. Here is a brief excerpt...
Many experts penned numerous articles this year proclaiming that the Gold market was ready to take off and that 2016 would be the year that the Gold bull resumed its upward trend. They spoke of our high debt, a weak economy and listed a...
In early October when the pollsters were all busy proclaiming that Hilary was going to win, we stated in an article titled Mass Psychology states Trump win Equals stock market buying opportunity that from a financial perspective a Trump...

The melting point of gold is 1337.33 K (1064.18 °C, 1947.52 °F).

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