The recent growth acceleration in the EU could distract attention from problems of the common bloc. Fortunately, you can always count on Italy. Whenever you start thinking that only bright future is ahead of the union, the descendants of the proud Romans remind...
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
June 14, 2018
Why a seemingly run-of-the-mill announcement yesterday by Fed chairman Powell might signal a major turning point for the gold market. . . and perhaps ALL markets. At the end of Fed chairman Jerome Powell’s opening statement for his press conference yesterday he...
Regular readers of Goldmoney’s Insights should be aware by now that the cycle of business activity is fuelled by monetary policy, and that the periodic booms and slumps experienced since monetary policy has been used in an attempt to manage economic outcomes are the...
Over the last 12 months, the purchasing power of your dollar has dropped at the fastest rate since 2011. According to the latest data released by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) jumped by 2.8% year-over-year in May. That follows on...
According to the Gann astro/cycles and my wave counts, we are near another important top. Ideally, this top should occur on June 14/15. The next possible cycle low is due sometime between June 28/29 and July 3/5 depending on the count and final top. My preferred...
Is the cashless society upon us? Cashless society or ‘Lesscash’ society? Do you carry cash and how much? When might we see the world’s first completely cashless society? Who wins the payments battle – Apple, Google, WeChat, Alipay?
June 13, 2018
Based on the feedback I received over the weekend, I thought a quick follow-up would be in order on the topic of "deviant conundrum" because it was told to me by a wonderfully gifted retired English teacher that I was on the edges of plagiarizing my hero, Sir...
Monthly economic readings tend to be full of noise and are therefore unreliable. So it’s best to save the excited assertions for established trends. The US Consumer Price Index appears to have reached that point:
Back in April, we first reported upon the surge in the use of "Exchanges For Physical" on the COMEX. We thought we should provide an update today. As a refresher, here's a link to the first report from eight weeks ago:
June 12, 2018
Gold is one of the rarest elements in the world, making up roughly 0.003 parts per million of the earth’s crust. But how much gold is the world digging up each year and what countries produce the most?
A negative divergence between gold and silver prices occurred in May 2011. Now, the opposite situation is in play; a positive divergence is occurring.
Over the weekend, the Swiss voters rejected the campaign to radically alter banking system, while President Trump withdrew his support for the joint statement of G7 and arrived in Singapore for a historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The Fed and the...
The first week of June was fairly easy to navigate and trade as the bullish pattern took a couple extra weeks of high level consolidation to finally complete its course. It really started with the breakout on Monday June 4 above the key 2742 level to confirm that...
Harry Dent has been making the rounds suggesting that for gold to get back to its pre-bubble price, it would need to fall to $400 or $450. If we were to believe Mr. Dent, then it would be bad news for gold investors. However, Harry Dent’s gold price forecast is...
This has been a uniquely boring stretch for gold and silver – especially given all the things going on in the world that ought to light a fire under precious metals. In just the past few weeks, the US started a global trade war, Italy elected a populist government, ...
June 11, 2018
The market sentiment toward the precious metals is quite negative. Additionally, gold and silver are fighting both the ongoing official price-management, which seems to have intensified over the last 12 months, and the rising dollar.
If you live in Texas and have any extra gold bars, coins and/or jewelry lying around that need safekeeping, you’re in luck. The Texas Bullion Depository, the first of its kind in the U.S., officially opened to the public in Austin last week, putting a cap on three...
Support you’re driving a car, and you turn the steering wheel left. You will feel the door and pillar of the car push your left shoulder (in a left-drive car). This is an observed fact.
Mike Gleason: It is my privilege now to welcome back Michael Pento, president and founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies and author of the book, The Coming Bond Market Collapse: How to Survive the Demise of the U.S. Debt Market. Michael is a well-known money manager...
After last week’s closing bell for stocks and the early signs of the Capital Market Shift which we mentioned previously was taking place are now clearly evident. We wanted to alert all of our followers that this week could be very dramatic with a number of key...
prior to the cycle low. Now that it has been surpassed, SPX is free to aim for the top of the bull market which started in March 2009. A target of 3000 and more should be met over a period of several months, with consolidations and corrections along the way which...
Bears seem to be roaming wherever you look, whether it be in the US equity market, the gold market, and especially in the emerging markets as of recently. Whether I read articles, or the comments to those articles, it seems there is a common expectation that “...
June 10, 2018
Life has kept changing at an ever faster pace since the early folks changed from hunting and digging for their food to growing it and thus able to establish settled communities. What has helped speeding up the rate of change was the invention of such things as the... is a cyclical nature to almost everything in life and gold is no different. During the good times (2001-2011), gold prices rallied year-after-year, and everyone was excited. In tough times (2011-2015)...
'Tis only perfectly apropos on the heels of last week's missive entitled "All Quiet on the Golden Front" that we acknowledge therein having completely overlooked the inclusion of our usual end-of-month chart featurning the "year ago-to-date" percentage track of Gold...
The Dow Jones Index closed the week with its BEV plot under -5% for the first time since early March. This is no small thing for the bulls, seeing the Dow’s BEV plot rising towards its BEV Zero (0.00%) line from the -11.53% it made on March 23rd.
June 9, 2018
The pieces are lining up for a confirmed gold price breakout. Silver, gold's close cousin, has already confirmed a bottom. Only a higher close above the 15-day MA is needed for gold price.
Chris Marcus of Arcadia Economics speaks with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable about what investors can do to prepare for economic uncertainty.
Our proprietary cycle indicator is up. To public readers of our updates, our cycle indicator is one of the most effective timing tool for traders and investors. It is not perfect, because periodically the market can be more volatile and can result in short term ...
June 8, 2018
Finally! Not only is this a great day for Texas, it is a great day for anyone that wishes to store their gold outside of their own possession. If you’re comfortable, or have enough gold to store elsewhere, this may be an option to consider.