Yes, traumatic market events (falling rocks) occur, even though markets are “managed,” statistics are manipulated, and politicians pretend to care about something besides their next election.
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
June 15, 2017
Earlier this week Shelley Goldberg , commodities strategist for Roubini Global Economics wrote about how gold was set to disappoint the ‘gold bulls – again.’ Goldberg argued that we should ‘throw out all the fancy analysis and realize that gold is an emotional...
Here are reflections on the state of the stock and bond markets and their effect on the gold market. These missives that I construct periodically usually have as their genesis a "Eureka!" moment while reading a research piece or a written commentary from one of the...
Could your wealth be hacked? It’s a threat most investors overlook. But they do so at their own peril. If elections can be hacked, then so can bank and brokerage accounts, as well as any online platforms for digital currencies.
June 14, 2017
I see just about everyone has their own theory or trading discipline on where the US dollar is headed next. It’s all these different ideas that make the markets work. Everyone can’t be bullish at the bottom or bearish at the top, it’s just the way it has to be.
GoToday –New York closed at $1,268.60 yesterday after closing at $1,268.90 Monday. London opened at $1,267.24 today. Overall the dollar was slightly weaker against global currencies, early today. Before London’s opening:
June 13, 2017
The technical damage to the stock market has been severe. Since the start of 2017, nearly half of all market gains are coming from just five large Tech stocks.
The next US central bank interest rate announcement is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Gold and related assets are now in “pause mode” against most fiat currencies. Gold has a rough general tendency to decline ahead of a rate hike, and then rally strongly after a...
It must have been painfully awkward for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Last year, Deutsche Bank settled a civil suit involving blatant market rigging and turned over reams of information, including chat logs and voice recordings. The trove...
The Central banks bought a staggering $1.5 trillion in assets in the first five months of the year to keep the economy from imploding while at the same time, capping the gold price. Yes, it’s true…. $300 billion a month of Central bank asset purchases pushes up...
The 11th edition of the annual “In Gold we Trust” is another must read synopsis of the fundamentals of the gold market, replete with excellent charts by our friend Ronald-Peter Stoeferle and his colleague Mark Valek of Incrementum AG.
June 12, 2017
Last week investors shrugged off even more drama coming out of Washington. Stocks continued to rally and hit record highs, even as former FBI director James Comey testified that, in his opinion, President Donald Trump fired him in an attempt to lift the “cloud” of...
It is my privilege now to welcome in our good friend David Morgan of The Morgan Report. David, it's always a real pleasure to have you on with us and I'm especially excited to talk with you about some of the topics we've got on tap today. How are you?
The best performing precious metal for the week was palladium, up 5.10 percent. Grant Sporre, an analyst at Deutsche Bank, noted there is a genuine physical tightness in the market, but the spike had all the hallmarks of someone being caught short and being...
Last Friday June 9th, 2017, Robert Bouroujerdi, a Goldman Sachs analyst, “warned that the $600 billion outperformance by the 5 biggest tech stocks known as ‘FAAMG’ — Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Alphabet — had contributed about 42 percent of all stock...
The economic ruse that is run by Communist China is growing bigger by the day. The formula behind what has been the Great Red Engine of global growth is really very simple: Print new money and funnel it through the state-owned banking system in order to entice...
The gold reserves of the world’s biggest public sector investors reached an 18-year high as they hoarded the precious metal after Donald Trump’s election and the Brexit vote added to geopolitical uncertainty.
Higher interest rates will triple the interest on the federal debt to $830 billion annually by 2026, will hurt workers and young voters, and could bankrupt over 20% of US corporations, according to the IMF. The move is not necessary to counteract inflation and shows...
As most in the gold community know, the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown announced on 7 May, 1999 that HM Treasury planned to sell gold. The dollar began to rise, from about 110mg gold to 120mg on 6 July, the day of the first sale. This translates into ...
The NASDAQ 100 has seen two one-day plunges of 143 points each over the past three weeks. Nothing close to these drops has occurred over the past year. What is going on? One concern we see is the stock market has generated an official Hindenburg Omen stock market...
Friday’s spontaneous profit-taking in the overbought tech sector affected SPX more than it did the DJIA, because the former contains many more high flyers. However, considering the general market’s “yawn-ish” response to the sell-off, it is too soon to decide that...
June 11, 2017
A potential increase in risk may create massive opportunities for investors. Throughout our ongoing analysis of the US markets, metals, energy and other market sectors, one thing we have seen over and over is that markets can, and often do, develop longer term...
Provençal greetings from the stunningly gorgeous Vaucluse. Contrary to the fast-paced rat race of San Francisco, here in the South of France amongst these vast vineyards and rolling hills of dark greenery beneath the majestic beauty of Mont Ventoux, life slows way...
The week ended with a new all-time high for the Dow Jones Index. Keep in mind I’m still a big bear on the stock market, but there’s no need to begin the depression any sooner than is necessary. Still, I have to be honest and point out the current advance has been...
June 10, 2017
What a great market week we saw this past week, until Friday where we saw some flash crashes in stocks, but mostly those which populate the NASDAQ. The crash was just that, a flash crash where stocks came back quickly…but still ended the week on a very weak note.
The consolidation in gold stocks continues. Gold sector is on major buy signal since early 2016. GLD is on short-term buy signal.
June 9, 2017
An NFTRH subscriber named Joe, who is a former fund guy and current chart cranking, idea generating maniac (←said with admiration) came up with the term “bearish bulls” recently, by which he meant that a whole lot of people were looking down in the gold sector,...
The gold miners’ stocks remain deeply out of favor, largely shunned by traders. Since this sector just spent the better part of a year grinding sideways, such bearish sentiment isn’t surprising. But with a giant technical formation nearing a major inflection point...
"Gold priced in sterling surged to the highest level in more than seven weeks as Prime Minister Theresa May failed to win an overall majority in the U.K. election, signaling further political turmoil less than a year after Britain voted to leave the European Union...
The World Economic Forum, in conjunction with Mercers (the actuaries) recently estimated that the combined pension deficit currently stands at $66.9tr for eight countries, rising to $427.8tr in 2050. The eight countries are Australia, Canada, China, India, Japan,...