Almost daily, I am asked if I think the complex will see lower lows below those seen in the previous January and December. My answer has been and remains the same and I will explain to you what I am seeing that still keeps me in that perspective. And, I will also...
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
December 14, 2016
December 13, 2016
The word “collapse” instantly conjures primal feelings of both fear and excitement whenever we hear it. We fear it because it evokes our collective belief that collapse is fatal and final, yet it excites our imagination to the possibility, however remote, that...
Barely 24 hours before the Fed takes another giant step toward destroying whatever’s left of its “credibility”; and likely, proving yet again that rising rates are decidedly NOT “Precious Metal bearish”; I could easily write full-length articles on a half dozen...
After reaching a low of 1152.50 in the Sunday overnight session gold rallied to a high of 1167.80 in yesterday’s day session! In the overnight session gold reached a low of 1158.50, but at the time that this Post was being written gold has returned to yesterday’s...
Gold stocks and silver continue to exhibit substantial strength in the face of the decline in the price of gold. Is that strength hinting that a substantial rally will follow a Fed rate hike?
Jim and I have received many panicked calls and e-mails regarding Martin Armstrong's latest article. In it he again claims gold will collapse to below $1,000 per ounce and thus the fearful communications.
By one measure, the Dow Industrials Index is now at its second-most ‘overbought’ level since 1980. The measure I’m referring to is the 14-day RSI (Relative Strength Index), a short-term momentum oscillator shown in the bottom section of the following Dow chart.
Just as we predicted, the Bank of Japan has begun to lose control. Since the November US Presidential election, the Bank of Japan has been aggressively devaluing the Yen. They are doing this to take advantage of the brief window between the election and when Trump...
December 12, 2016
Inflation can be understood as the destruction of a currency’s purchasing power. To combat this, investors, central banks and families have historically stored a portion of their wealth in gold. I call this the Fear Trade.
The best performing precious metal this week was silver with a gain 0.76 percent. Electronic chat documents released by Deutsche Bank show that UBS and Deutsche Bank, along with others, regularly conspired trades with one another to trigger stop-loss orders,...
The Fed will hike rates this week. The US Dollar is strengthening. Fiscal policy is about to ignite economic growth. The ECB has reduced its rate of QE purchases. It doesn’t sound like now is the time to be buying gold, does it?
The price action was mixed last week. Those hoping for US dollar declines in gold terms were disappointed. However, silver gave them a sop as the price of the buck declined by one one-hundredth of a gram of silver. In Monetarist terms, gold went down $18 and silver...
A euro crisis and contagion is almost certain in 2017…as Irish economist and writer David McWilliams has warned: “It is almost certain that there will be another euro crisis in 2017. The last time we had a euro crisis, the focus of attention was Greece; today the...
A strange week for me being down while markets are ripping higher. I just didn’t hit the right stocks and that’s all there is too it. That will change. The metals tried to move up with silver leading. However, that effort failed quickly…so if they can’t get going...
Gold and gold mining stocks have been very oversold…but have struggled to rally. The sector looked to be starting a rebound until Friday’s decline which pushed gold to a new low. However, positive divergences remain in place as gold stocks and silver remain above...
The Trump Christmas stock market rally has taken valuations beyond a point that in the past has signaled trouble, which in turn has generated a lot of cautionary press like the following:
December 11, 2016
The NYA is now the only major index which has not made a new all-time high. However, it came very close to doing so last week. There is evidence that we are quickly coming to an intermediate top, but this is all it might be. Subsequently, calling for an end to the...
Again, we hark back to the great Welsh football commentator Toby Charles, who in describing match-turning chaos and then running out of superlatives, would exclaim: "Ohhh, 'tis all happening there!"
Just when you think you understand the rules of the game, someone changes them. I’m talking about the relationship between the Dow Jones Index and its trading volume. Last week I noted how since January 2000, the Dow Jones and its volume had turned the law of...
December 10, 2016
It’s always nice to have this long weekend before we make the mad dash to Christmas. With stocks generally strong into Christmas and all the cheer of the season, it’s always a busy and fun time of year. Stocks are setting up very well with lots of buy levels right...
Gold sector is on a major buy signal and short-term is also on buy signal. Cycle is up. Trend is down. Silver is on a long-term buy signal. Short-term is on buy signal. A counter trend bounce is in progress. Silver is more volatile than gold, manage your risk.
This first precious metals combo chart is one I try to show you at least twice a week, so you can follow the price action as it’s unfolding in real time. Except for SLV the other indexes have now traded below their respective neckline for five weeks now.
It is uncertain if Krugman knew about the discussion of a gold standard. Possibly not, as he would have become apoplectic and unable to comment. The "ex-bank CEO" is John Allison who recently retired as president of the Cato Institute. Our comment on a convertible...
December 9, 2016
Many experts penned numerous articles this year proclaiming that the Gold market was ready to take off and that 2016 would be the year that the Gold bull resumed its upward trend. They spoke of our high debt, a weak economy and listed a plethora of reasons as to why...
Gold has suffered brutal, withering selling pressure in the month following the US presidential election. The stock markets’ surprise surge after Trump’s surprise win has led speculators and investors alike to rush for the gold exits. As usual the former group’s...
Here are today's videos and charts.
Back in 2008, during our financial crisis in the United States, the powers that be decided to begin a process called Quantitative Easing to provide liquidity to our financial system. For those that do not understand the Quantitative Easing process, and how it works...
The ECB’s ‘Bazooka’ is back and ‘Super Mario’, the European Central Bank’s monetary magician did not disappoint QE addicted markets yesterday by extending ultra-loose monetary policies and quantitative easing until at least December 2017.
December 8, 2016
The latest consequence of economic mismanagement in Europe was the failed attempt at constitutional reform in Italy this week. The Italian people have had enough of their government’s economic failure, and is refusing to give it more power.
The outlook for the crude oil appears to be bearish and its links with gold and silver appear to confirm it. It appears that the profits from our short position in crude oil will increase further before this trade is over.