Oops! Experts’ £6 Bln blunder sends UK trade deficit soaring. UK failed to measure huge imports of gold coins and bars after Brexit vote. Britain’s trade deficit with the rest of the world is £6 billion larger than previously thought — and at a record high — because...
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
December 8, 2016
President Nixon “temporarily” severed the weak link between gold and the US dollar in 1971. The link is still severed. The economic well-being for most people and the sound dollar have suffered. The dollar is no longer described as “good as gold” as it was 60 years...
I would like to update the INDU (DOW Index) we’ve been following, which continues the upside move since the night of the US elections. Keep in mind some of these consolidation patterns began to form back in 2015 which had nothing to do with the US elections.
The Die is Cast” for Europe and the EU. This is what Caesar said when he crossed the Rubicon in 49 BC marching towards Rome, leading to a major change in Europe’s history. The Italian referendum which took place on December 4 had a similar significance.
December 7, 2016
The Indian government has been trying to reduce its citizens’ demand for imported gold through a number of means over the last few years. This is part of a wider crackdown on currency used in the black market, which included the withdrawal and replacement of its two...
Foreign USTreasury Bond dumping continues, and even accelerates. China and the Saudis are selling USTreasurys in a near panic. Foreign central banks liquidated a record $375 billion in USGovt debt in the last 12 months. An American disaster lies in the making from...
With the bull market in US stocks approaching its seventh anniversary in March 2017 and the indexes just hitting all-time highs, many investors are wondering how long the party can continue. The chart below shows how the Dow Jones, Russell 2000, NASDAQ and S&P...
I have been watching the parade march by…and after months of contemplation I have the following comments concerning the next two to three years.
The stock market looks like it is making a distribution top into the FED meeting. We may see a small pull back into late week and then higher prices into the 14th. We could see a sharp drop into the 5 week cycle low due around the 19th of December. Overall, the...
I am sure some of you likely recognized that I may have misused “metal” in the title to this update. You are probably thinking that the appropriate word that should be used is “mettle.”
90% (my low-balled estimate) of you, the investing public, are herding when it comes to the bond market. You may not know it because the overwhelming psychological atmosphere is to reaffirm, not question peoples’ behavior. That is what herding is; a comforting...
December 6, 2016
It finally happened. For the first time since 2008, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) agreed to a crude oil production cut last week, renewing hope among producers and investors that prices can begin to recover in earnest after a protracted...
Institutional money managers move gargantuan amounts of gold market liquidity. Their fundamentally based actions create the chart patterns that technical analysts use to try to project the next rally or decline in the gold price.
The Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) and the World Gold Council have made an important decision which was announced yesterday at the World Islamic Banking Conference in Bahrain.
Growing up in the 1960's, I can still remember hearing and reading about Russian propaganda. While I am certain some of what the Western press reported was "spun", even a 10 year old could see through much of what Russia was trying to portray to its people.
December 5, 2016
This is not conspiracy theory. In the last month the BoJ has devalued the Yen 14% against the $USD. By any other measure this is a crash as far as currencies go. And it could lead to MAJOR issues for the financial system. The last time the BoJ collapsed the Yen...
In years to come," says Deutsche Bank's Jim Reid, "markets may well look back at the month just passed as one of the most pivotal in recent memory." The natural follow-up question might be "What exactly are we pivoting to?" Opinions abound on that score and below we...
The euro-zone appears to be on target for another banking crisis during 2017. Also, the stage is set for political upheaval in some European countries, a general worsening of economic conditions throughout Europe and widening of the already-large gaps between the...
The best performing precious metal for the week was platinum, up 2.34 percent, followed by palladium with nearly flat returns. Platinum group metals have lifted somewhat with the anticipation of stronger industrial growth.
Gold continues its bearish trend - and everyone wants to know what is causing it to go lower. Well, you wouldn’t find the cause here as I will be the first to confess that I don’t have a clue what is causing the decline. I don’t think that anyone REALLY knows why...
Last week we wrote that gold was broken but noted the oversold condition in the precious metals sector as well as the relative strength in the gold stocks. At one moment last week, the gold stocks were trading above where they were in mid-November when gold was...
We’ve gone through a succession of events and processes that were supposed to make gold go up. The following list is by no means exhaustive: Quantitative Easing. Bernanke’s Helicopter Drops. Janet Yellen’s Keynesianism.
December 4, 2016
The beginning of a dichotomy is appearing in the stock market. The tech sector has been left behind in this rally and if this accelerates, it could start to rein in the DOW and other averages that have soared to new highs. The chart at the top which depicts the...
With the precious metals running out of puff deep into 2016, recall how they completely dominated our BEGOS Market Standings throughout the year's first two trimesters, (Oil also sneaking up there to appear on the podium in the Top Three). But with it all going...
Since the November 8th election, the NYSE has seen seventeen trading sessions with the Dow Jones closing at new all-time highs in nine of them. I’m not going to argue with success, but seeing the stock market do so well after an election does nothing to change my...
December 3, 2016
It’s Friday night, after another week of financial market ignominy has passed; fortunately, without further damage to those holding REAL money. Which fortunately, is likely to be extremely limited going forward, given how low Precious Metal “valuations” have been...
Investment demand for Gold Eagles surged during the last day in November pushing sales to a new monthly record. Not only did Gold Eagle sales for November reach a new record high for the year, it surpassed sales during the same month last year by 52%.
US Markets showed weakness this past week as they are working off their overbought conditions very nicely now. Many stocks are nearing support areas along with the indices. Consequently, I’m looking to buy the weakness in the week or so ahead.
Gold sector is on a major buy signal and short term is also on buy signal. Cycle is up. Trend is down. Silver is on a long-term buy signal. Short-term is on sell signal. Silver is more volatile than gold, manage your risk.
Obama was the “Yes, we can!” hope and change candidate that become the deep state elite’s presidential lackey. It was Obama’s choice to sell his political and personal soul in serving the globalists.