With the gold-mining sector’s market-dominating outperformance this year, investors are searching for the best-of-breed gold miners. The elite mid-tier OceanaGold is certainly among them. OceanaGold has truly epic fundamentals, combining super-profitable low-cost...
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
February 26, 2016
In one of Harry Houdini’s finest moments as a magician, he made a 6,000-pound, Asian elephant disappear – into thin air. Billed as the “world’s most incredible conjuring illusion”, Houdini swept onto the stage at the New York Hippodrome in 1918 and proclaimed “allow...
Imagine buying the house next door for half price, would you? Junior mining stocks have been on a fire sale for some time now but why are we nervous about pulling the trigger and buying? Why doesn’t the colloquial statement ring true? “Buy low and sell high.” It...
For a long time, I’ve advocated that the world’s governments should default on their debt. I recognize that this is an outrageous-sounding proposal.
Gold is currently up 20% year-to-date, compared to a loss of 10% for the S&P 500 Index, which adds weight to the belief that the metal works well as a diversification instrument.
February 25, 2016
It has become clear to everyone in the financial world that the monetary policies pursued by central banks have completely failed in their objectives. Central bankers carry on regardless, continuing to ride the speeding money-train to the end of the line, a train...
Did you ever ask yourself what this central bank obsession with inflation is really all about? After all, it is highly ironic that these erstwhile stewards of price stability have now perversely morphed into the frantic pursuit of currency destruction. This is...
Over a century ago JP Morgan understood that gold was money and the rest was credit. But he lived when you could buy groceries with a gold eagle and a cup of coffee cost a few cents. Ben Bernanke and hundreds of other “paper pushers” ignore gold, pretend not to...
Gold is currently working on a ‘full house’, with three of a kind (gold out performs stock markets, gold rises vs. commodities and gold rises vs. global currencies). We can call the pair needed to complete the full house economic contraction (to varying degrees...
It appears that Great Britain might actually do the until-recently-unthinkable, and leave the European Union. The reasons for this dramatic break-up are many, and can be Googled easily enough. For our purposes, suffice to say that traders are scrambling to figure...
When the next great financial crisis strikes, millions will be blindsided by what is coming and will be shocked by a "New Great Depression of The 21st Century". This does not have to happen to you. It is empowering to know what is coming and to understand why it is...
February 24, 2016
I’ll be upfront going in and say that some of this material is going to double a bit with a fantastic message preached by Chuck Baldwin a few weeks ago. As I listened, some different angles came to mind, and some different events altogether. As we get further and...
A growing number of investors are beginning to realize that Central Banks are effectively out of ammo (for now). Last week I noted that the Bank of Japan’s implementation of NIRP only generated a brief rally in Japanese stocks. That rally has since been obliterated...
Gold never changes; it's the world around it that does. Why is it that we see a renewed interest in gold now? And more importantly, should investors buy this precious metal?
We talked yesterday about the upcoming G-20 finance meeting, I said I believed it would not be "benign". Many readers have questioned why and to paraphrase "rarely has the G-20 made important announcements or decisions, why would they do this now"? We'll get to...
Japan is at the forefront of the Keynesian central planning that has been in the markets for the past few decades. The Federal Reserve first went to ZIRP and launched quantitative easing in 2008. The European central bank went to ZIRP and they launched QE in 2015....
I don’t need to read/watch the news to know that the supply-demand backdrop remains unsupportive for the oil price. All I have to do is look at the spread between spot prices and futures prices in the oil market. The larger the contango, that is, the higher the...
February 23, 2016
Gold prices soared last week when Fed market pricing went to extremes, with bond prices indicating that there was next to no chance of a rate hike in the next twelve months. We have covered the cause of this irregular pricing, which was the stopping out of 2016...
This definitive sign of a currency collapse is easy to see… When paper money literally becomes trash. Maybe you’ve seen images depicting hyperinflation in Germany after World War I. The German government had printed so much money that it became worthless....
Gold was higher in the overnight session, reaching 1223.40, at the time that this Post was being written. We believe that we are in wave !iv!. The first option that we are following is the triangle, as follows:
All lights for gold are green. And rather than beginning a correction, gold may be poised to intensify its rally. Investors with widely differing views on gold all seem to be pressing their buy buttons at the same time.
Slowing economic growth globally has led for some rough days on Wall Street lately. The Dow Jones industrial average and the Standard & Poor’s 500 index are both down by 6 percent so far this year. It’s sometimes hard to figure out where to park one’s money...
I can think of no better word except, “astounding”, when considering what is taking place with the giant gold ETF, GLD and its reported holdings increases. This afternoon’s reported gold holdings showed an increase of exactly 19.33 tons to 752.29 tons. This is...
February 22, 2016
Government bureaucrats, central bankers, and Wall Street executives all have their own reasons for hating the cash in your wallet. So, no surprise, they are working closely together to rid you of it. The war on cash is intensifying and bullion investors are...
Operating under the mistaken belief that a modest dose of inflation is either a prerequisite for, or a by-product of, economic growth, the nation's top economists have been assuring us for quite some time that inflation will stay very low until the currently...
Nearly everyone can recall playing Monopoly as a child, and for many, the game served as their first exposure to handling different denominations of cash. It was exhilarating to have someone land on your Park Place property, complete with hotel, and in turn receive...
The S&P500 Index shows a top in May 2015, a correction into August…and a deeper fall this month – February 2016. Look out below.
No doubt "something" changed starting the second half of last year. In fact, in looking at many markets we saw change and reversals. The process took quite some time but global equity markets topped and many are now quickly into bear market (down 20% or more)...
Last we visited on the subject of US inflation (November, 2015) we wrote: "Using those simplistic numbers suggests that U.S. inflation as measured by the [headline] CPI could rise to an annual rate of about 4% ..." That possibility is now increasingly likely given...
The internet is filled with predictions for the price of gold, from $500 to $50,000 per ounce. It depends on your world view. If you are a central banker or a powerful financial player which often supplies loyal employees to serve as Secretary of the US Treasury,...