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Gold Editorials & Commentary

Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts.  Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.


August 12, 2002

One Discount Rate or Many?

August 9, 2002

Somehow, someway, it always comes back to the central bank.

I know this is unusual, but it has to be done, simply because of its wide implications, and the fact that it might be the hinge on which the American economy swings. More and more letters have come to me about these columns on housing.

August 6, 2002

December Gold: $309

Critical underlying support: $309

Critical overhead resistance: $310

The summer correction continues, while the volatility picked up in July.


Trillions of dollars have been lost so far on Wall Street, but in my view, the biggest losses are still to come. I say that for at least two reasons.

August 5, 2002

Many investors have asked where has Alan Greenspan and his Federal Reserve and so-called "Plunge Protection" team been all through the current traumatic year?

I'll never forget the raspberries Gold Eagle writers used to get, when we accurately predicted the stock market crash. "You guys are nuts," is basically what our dire warnings were greeted with, by the 90% who disagreed with us.

It is interesting how, when you are long a particular investment, you try to find reasons to justify the long position; and when you are bearish and out of the market you tend to want the market to fall.

Why Is This Story Important?

August 2, 2002

Among the obscure financial reports that have more pages than readers is one from the Bank for International Settlements. The staff economists had toted up the figures and found a massive black hole in the universe of money movements.

During my nine years dealing with speculative stocks and cycles, I have noticed that during such times you develop somewhat of a procedure that separates the "wheat from the chaff".

Politicians intent on re-election have stirred up a media frenzy over "corporate governance," exploiting the bankruptcies of a handful of companies like Enron and Worldcom.

August 1, 2002

I am producing this issue early as having poured over all my gold data for the past 48 hours I have reached the conclusion that the gold price is on the verge of an explosive catapult to well above $400 by the

July 31, 2002

So what if the Dow goes up by 15% over the next three to four months. That's no consolation to anyone that watched it drop 30% in the past four months. To recover losses like that the average would have to rise 40% off its recent bottom, near 7600.

July 30, 2002

"Despite its severity, we believe that the slump in stock prices will prove an intermediate movement and not the precursor of a business depression such as would entail prolonged further liquidation..."

Bearish Charts - All Below Their 200-day Moving Average!

July 29, 2002

One of the enduring myths about government is the notion that successful governments are those entities that "provide prosperity" for those who are governed. The real issues involve who receives the blame for causing the calamity--and who benefits from it.

Gold futures fell out of the proverbial bed on Friday (July 26), falling to a 4-month low just above the psychological $300 mark.

This could be America's next nightmare, and possibly even worse than the stock market going down the tubes. Think about what has been the second biggest balloon of late.

The Evolution of Paper Currency

July 25, 2002

It's always darkest before the bottom falls out - JP McGoran

With the recent meltdown in stock prices, some economists have said that there is no need to be concerned because the stock market does not reflect what is happening to the economy.

Gold rallied over $320 an ounce, ending a month long correction as the euro rose above parity against the dollar. We believe the second leg will begin shortly and will see $375 per ounce before the yearend.

Most global gold indexes, as well as the bullion price, peaked in late May. At that point of time the Dow was trading at 9900 and has since fallen 23% in just eight weeks. All the major currencies appreciated as the dollar took a beating.

July 23, 2002

Argentina's recent bankruptcy and the spreading financial turmoil in its neighboring countries are just the latest chapters in Latin America's long history of foreign debt and default.


Peering Into a Bottomless Pit

July 22, 2002

HITS FOUR-YEAR LOW... The Dow tumbled 400 points today and, more importantly, finally broke last September's low. The Dow is the last of the major averages to fall below the lows of last fall.

The stock markets are starting to resemble a dying man fighting off the vultures. The lies that fed the economic illusions of the last decade are being revealed plainly now. The pride, arrogance and greed are on full display for even the true believers now.

Monday, July 15th, will go down in the history of stock market trades as the pinnacle of manipulation. July 15th will be used as the classic case of the PPT in operation.

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