TIMBER!! That is the standard cry in the forest industry among loggers who cut down giant trees, the warning to step aside for the great impact. GET READY FOR THE SIMULTANEOUS BANKING CRISIS IN THE THREE BIGGEST EUROPEAN ECONOMIES: GERMANY, FRANCE, ITALY. The United...
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
June 4, 2018
Gold advanced earlier in the week on a weaker U.S. dollar and mounting global trade war fears. Ole Hansen, head of commodity strategy at Saxo Bank said “the dollar strength has paused and there’s now talk of renewed U.S. trade tariffs against both friends and foes,...
It is my privilege now to welcome back Axel Merk, President and Chief Investment Officer of Merk Investments and author of the book Sustainable Wealth. Axel is a highly sought after guest at financial conferences and on news outlets throughout the world and it's...
Picture a scene in one of those action moves. Two guys are fighting for control over the steering wheel. The car is going 75mph, the road is narrow, and there is a drop over a cliff on one side. And there are lots of sharp curves.
For most of the past few years, emerging market stocks and bonds were among the favorite investments of everyone from hedge funds to pension funds to retirees.
Bubbles in Nasdaq, bubbles in financial assets, bubbles in cryptos . . . bubbles are being reported everywhere. Moreover, more and more analysts are pointing to some financial crisis after another as each day goes by. Whether it is because of the cessation of QE, or...
Last week, I mentioned that the 2700 level was key. If it did not hold, we could get a minimum pull-back to about 2780, and perhaps lower if weakness persisted. The rationale for holding at about 2780 was given as trend lines, MAs, minimum projection, etc… In fact,...
June 3, 2018
Last week was really a roller-coaster ride for traders and investors. After a long holiday weekend, traders were greeted with concerns originating in Italy regarding political stability and the potential that any further issues could result in a collapse of the EU...
It was the late 90's and I was graduating from high school and at that time the US dollar and stock market were quite strong as we were in the midst of the dot com bubble. Looking over the charts with my Dad who was a trader since the 30's we saw a complete lacking...
For all things Trump-affective going on out there, from Trump Tariffs, Trump Kim, Trump Putin, Trump Thumbs Up with the Wall, Trump Thumbs Down with Taxes, to all things otherwise-affective across the geopolitical and economic spectrum -- the list for which is both...
While gold’s immediate trend remains uncertain in the face of U.S. dollar strength, the metal does have at least one important ally: the gold stocks. As I’ll argue here, recent internal improvements among several actively traded mining shares could serve to...
June 2, 2018
Our proprietary cycle indicator is up. Gold sector is on major buy signal since early 2016. GLD is on short-term sell signal. GDX is on short-term sell signal. XGD.to is on short-term sell signal.
June 1, 2018
Here are today's videos and charts.
The great majority of market participants believe that "the fate of markets is inextricably intertwined with the ebb and flow of geopolitics." So, if I share with you “secret” news that will hit the wires next week, you should be able to make a killing with such...
One week ago today, I made the following commentary: "Finally, I am officially revisiting the "volatility trade" (VIX: CBOE Volatililty Index) but unlike February where I used the UVXY (ProShares Trust Ultra VIX Short) as my proxy for the increase in volatility, I...
May 31, 2018
There is a quiet revolution taking place in the monetary vacuum that’s developing on the back of the erosion of the dollar’s hegemony. It is perhaps too early to call what’s happening to the dollar the beginning of its demise as the world’s reserve currency, but...
As we move into the annual summer market slowdown, we thought a departure from our usual rendering of charts, tables and numbers would be a refreshing change. "Mphm!" is the result.
Featured is the weekly gold chart. The green arrows point to ‘upside reversals’, developing after price dropped below the 50WMA. The blue arrows point to a positive follow-through, following an upside reversal. A similar situation back in December enabled gold to...
Serious gold investors know that May has historically been a weak month for the price of the yellow metal. For the 10-year and 30-year periods, the month delivered negative returns. The general decline in enthusiasm comes before the late summer rally in anticipation...
PRIVATE INVESTOR interest in gold has collapsed in 2018. Any dealer tells you otherwise, they're lying. What began as a Trump slump for US gold coin sales in 2017 has now spread to retail gold bar investing demand in UK and Europe.
May 30, 2018
Every day, MoneyWeek's executive editor John Stepek and guest contributors explain how current economic and political developments are affecting the markets and your wealth, and give you pointers on how you can profit.
The western world has ignored economic realities for decades. It’s not a Republican or Democratic problem. Banking, power, fiat currencies, dishonest money and transfers of wealth are the issues. The consequences of ignoring reality are uncomfortable and dangerous....
What is the outlook for the global economy, financial markets, crypto currencies such as bitcoin and gold and silver bullion in the digital age?
May 29, 2018
Mike Gleason: It is my privilege now to welcome back David Smith, Senior Analyst at The Morgan Report, and regular contributor to MoneyMetals.com.
David, thanks for joining us again, how are you?
The next Fed rate hike is only about two weeks away, and another ramp-up in monthly quantitative tightening is scheduled for the end of June.
The best performing metal this week was platinum, up 1.50 percent on expected Chinese demand for the metal, where demand for heavy-duty emission legislation will come into play by 2020. Bloomberg’s weekly survey showed that gold traders and analysts are divided on...
Have you ever heard someone say this? It falls into the category of, it’s so perverse, so wrong, and so wrong-headed that there has got to be a constituency out there somewhere, to assert this!
The 12th edition of the annual “In Gold We Trust” report titled “Gold and the Turning of the Monetary Tides”, has just been released by Ronald Peter Stoeferle and Mark Valek of Incrementum AG. The report’s Leitmotif of the turning of the tide refers to three ...
May 28, 2018
For those that are familiar with American football, you would likely understand the strategy that the team that controls the clock usually controls the game.
What I am saying is that the 2700 level must hold if we are not to witness another spell of weakness before the correction is over. If the congestion pattern which has been created between that level and 2740+ (the 10X P&F chart is built on 10-point increments...