The month of May still has a few days to go before, as is generally assumed, action will return to the markets when the calendar turns to June. It is not known whether the widely held view that the month of May is a time of lackadaisical markets can be justified by...
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
May 27, 2018
There was a particularly interesting article from Peter Tenebrarum of The Acting Man blog posted in the GATA forum earlier this week that is probably one of the best summaries of technical conditions for gold which included a really good assessment of sentiment.
Large precious metals speculators continued to decrease their bullish net positions in the Gold futures markets this week, according to the latest Commitment of Traders (COT) data released by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) on Friday.
Clearly our theme month-to-date has been how poorly gold has proven itself to be over many a May past, price having not sported for any of them a net gain of even just 1% since 2010: Gold's average net change for the past seven Mays is a paltry -2.9%. Now with just...
May 26, 2018
Gold and silver both ended the week up 0.93% and 0.61%, as many stock indices falling and ‘risk off’ sentiment returning.
I’ll try to keep things simple with this recap of the 3 of the 5 major food groups (leaving aside commodities and currencies) for investors. No confusing you today with too many inter-market ratios, overly technical language or cute metaphors like the 3 Amigos (...
You people know me. You have, over the years, grown to know me as a “Fighter of the GOOD FIGHT”, albeit it flawed and certainly vulnerable to all sorts of criticism whether warranted or not. For years, I have been writing “Gold and Gold Miners” as an emotional and...
Our proprietary cycle indicator is up. To public readers of our updates, our cycle indicator is one of the most effective timing tool for traders and investors. It is not perfect, because periodically the market can be more volatile and can result in short term ...
May 25, 2018
Here are today's videos and charts.
The junior gold miners have largely been shunned over the past year or so, condemned to listlessly drift near lows. Their stock prices have suffered serious collateral damage from stubbornly-bearish gold sentiment. But they are faring much better under the hood than...
The US and global economies are choking on a massive amount of debt. While Wall Street and the Mainstream financial media continue to rationalize the skyrocketing debt as merely the cost of doing business, the disintegrating fundamentals point to an economic...
For those of you that have followed me through the years, you would know that I utilize Elliott Wave analysis to track the markets I follow within the context of both their smaller and larger cycles. And, to that end, you would know that I am neither a perma-bull...
With just a month until elections, shopkeepers at Turkey’s biggest bazaar say they’re seeing a jump in demand for gold coins. Turkish people have an interesting behavior — they buy gold when the prices are rising, they think it’s gonna rise more,” said Gokhan...
May 24, 2018
A polarizing Republican in the White House. War protests in the streets. An unqualified President. Donald Trump? No, Ronald Reagan who fundamentally changed politics, maybe forever. And, what of the current occupant? From tax reform to trade to foreign policy, Trump...
The message from the recent FOMC minutes is clear: brace yourself for the interest rate hike next month. Should gold bulls be worried? Gold’s reaction shows that not necessarily. You will find more details in our today’s analysis.
For those that follow me regularly, you will know that I have been tracking a set-up for the SPDR Gold Trust ETF (NYSEARCA:GLD), which I analyze as a proxy for the gold market. I also believe that gold can outperform the general equity market once we confirm a long-...
Since Ancient times, gold has served a very unique function in society. Gold is extremely rare, impossible to create out of “thin air”, easily identifiable, malleable…and it does not tarnish. By nature of these properties, gold has been highly valued throughout...
May 23, 2018
We can argue about the definition(s) of inflation until the cows come home – To be sure some economists spend a career trying to nail it down.
The 10-year Treasury yield has been the topic of conversation lately among fixed-income investors. Earlier this month, the T-note closed above 3 percent for the first time since July 2011, prompting some market watchers to call time on the three-decade Treasury bull...
In yesterday’s analysis, we explained how it’s possible for the precious metals sector to move higher in very short term and at the same time still form the next local bottom close to $1,250. The key part of the analysis was that this week’s turning point may turn...
I was flying back from giving a presentation in Vancouver last week and browsed through the financial publications at an airport newsstand, scanning to see what passes as mainstream advice these days. I spotted Money Magazine’s May issue and saw an article titled “5...
Firstly, my home town of Toronto was recently hit with a “Mad Driver” that killed ten people and injured fifteen in an absolutely insane illustration of “New Millennium” violence. What was and is instructive about this act is that once CSIS (Canadian Security...
Dominic Frisby of Money Week looks at the historical relationship between UK house prices and gold (including some great charts), and concludes that your money is better off in the yellow metal than bricks and mortar.
Hyperinflation Myths: Hyperinflation occurs in banana-republics and not modern western countries. Hyperinflation cannot occur in the United States because the U.S. issues dollars – the reserve currency.
Everyone seems to agree that if interest rates keep rising a recession and equities bear market will ensue. But no one knows where the breaking point is in terms of, say 10-year Treasury yields. So it’s become a topic of debate with a lot of heavy-hitters offering...
Mr. Wonderful, Kevin O’Leary and Frank Holmes recently took different side the gold(bullion) vs. gold stocks. Gold and gold stocks are two different asset classes and saying which one is better. One is a commodity (Gold) and the other is equity (Gold Stocks). It’s...
May 22, 2018
BullionStar's 'Gold Market Charts' is a series of articles covering topical developments in the world's major physical gold markets. These topics include sovereign gold reserve accumulation by Russia and China, gold demand in the wider Chinese gold market, Swiss...
Gold dived below $1,300 last week, to many analysts’ surprise. They are panicking right now. But you do not have to. Let’s read our article and find out what is happening in the gold market!
Gold continues to act superbly for eager buyers in this time of seasonal softness. Against a background of static mine supply, Chinese demand is strengthening slightly and Indian demand is moderately soft.
Gold’s breach of nearby support last week freaked out some longs of a nervous disposition. However, it did no technical damage of any significance, as we can see on our latest 3-year shown chart below on which we can observe that it is still above important...