For those that remember back to 2011, as the metals were moving up in a parabolic move, everyone was on the “bullish team.” I heard stories from brokers about how investors were taking out home equity lines to buy gold and silver, since it was such a sure thing...
Gold Editorials & Commentary
Gold-Eagle gold and precious metal news, market analysis and editorials from world renowned gold analysts and market experts. Stay informed with the latest news and analyses on gold prices and perspectives on the economy to guide your investing decisions.
October 3, 2015
At, we use a combination of cycle and technical analysis tools to forecast precious metal prices. Though these tools are not flawless when combined, they often forecast certain lows, give or take a few days. Below are the updates released to Premium...
Gold sector is on major sell signal. Cycle is up. Looking for a tradable bounce lasting a few weeks.Silver is on a long-term sell signal and investors should be in cash or short. Short-term is on buy signal and traders can play for a corrective bounce.
Fund manager, author, and geopolitical strategist Jim Rickards, writing for the Daily Reckoning, noted again yesterday that central banks can always create inflation by devaluing their currencies against gold.
October 2, 2015
Lately one cynic after another, some of which claim to be experts are all marching to the same drumbeat. The Chinese economy is in trouble; the Chinese markets are going to continue crashing. The Shanghai index experienced an astounding advance over a brief period...
Several statistics were reported this week, and in large measure, they disappointed analysts. Personal Income was up, but Personal Spending was up even more. This means that Americans were adding even more debt to their balance sheets. Since savings is where the...
We have been using the Tinder Box theme in NFTRH lately. As in, stock market sentiment is so bleak, so depressed as to be a Tinder Box with the elements to ignite a flame that bounces the market…to clear the over bearishness at least.
Gold tends not to leave India once it enters. As the world’s largest importer, the country consumes massive quantities of the yellow metal—it’s on track to take in 900 tonnes of the stuff this year—where it remains in private families’ coffers, mostly in the form of...
The stock market just finished a brutal third quarter… The S&P500 fell 8%...and so did the Dow and the NASDAQ. It was the worst quarter for US stocks since 2011. Stocks around the world dropped too. The MSCI All-Country World Index, which tracks 85% of global...
Traders today universally believe inflation is dead, that there is no persistent decline in the purchasing power of money. That’s what government price indexes around the world are indicating. But this false notion is one of recent years’ main Fed-conjured...
DOW & Bonds, Nasdaq Bear Signal, Gold, Silver & Copper, PM Stocks Analysis via videos.
The daily chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Index shows a significant technical non-confirmation: The On Balance Volume segment of the chart has been falling in the face of a rising Index, which indicates that sellers have been taking advantage of rising prices in...
Two months ago the precious metals complex became extremely oversold and ripe for a rebound. Two months later and the overbought condition and bearish sentiment has been alleviated to some degree. Sadly for bulls, Gold barely rebounded while both Silver and gold...
October 1, 2015
Why are interest rates at historic lows in the United States and around the world? The widely-accepted answer is that very low interest rates exist for the purpose of stimulating economic growth and corporate profits, and are thereby helping the United States and...
Gold closed the third quarter down 4.8 per cent at $1,115 an ounce. The summer months are the traditional doldrums for the gold market. But it could have been much worse with the early August low of $1,080. Gold bugs hope that was the bottom of the recent correction...
There is no gold rush in Illinois. The important question is, “Why Not?” “Illinois is in serious financial trouble.” “Illinois has no current budget.” “The reality is Illinois is flat-out broke.” The State Comptroller estimates that the backlog of unpaid bills will...
One of the biggest issues investors need to assess today is the US Dollar carry trade. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of a carry trade, it occurs when you borrow in one currency, usually at a very low interest rate, and then invest the money in another...
Is "Helicopter Money" Coming? Since the start of June, global equity markets have lost over $13 trillion. This might be thought of as lost "collateral" for the mountains of pyramided global debt. This is frightening the Central Bankers!
Every newspaper headline is about whether the Federal Reserve would increase rates in September, then October, and maybe December? As in Charles M. Schulz’s comic strip, when Lucy always pulls the football away before Charlie Brown can kick it, the Fed threatens but...
In last week's article I pointed out that negative interest rates should lead to a general shift in consumer preferences from money towards essential goods. Central bankers may wish for this outcome on a controlled basis to allow them to hit their price inflation...
I predicted that gold would rally last week up to the $1,155 area, and was also equally unsurprised when it was rejected the first time by that declining (see green trend-line on chart) resistance line. Those are standard or obvious Cycle pivot points, but how it...
After the China Tremors of July-August, September rolled in with a roar of a veritable Bear. On a quarterly basis, the S&P500 was down 8.2 percent, DJIA fell more than 8.7 percent and EuroStoxx 50 shed 12.9 percent. Only longer dated (5 years-plus) U.S. bonds...
September 30, 2015
The huge level of weekly Shanghai Gold Exchange delivery numbers is becoming something of a repetitive news item and is perhaps losing its impact, but it shouldn’t. Week 37 (ending September 18th) saw another 63 tonnes delivered out of the Exchange, which makes the...
In his article for Bloomberg Business, Ranjeetha Pakiam takes a look at China’s recent accumulations in gold and how the country now compares in the world league table on gold holdings. He observes that there is a deliberate policy of increased transparency in China...
It's campaign season…and that means non-stop media coverage of candidate polls, quips, gaffes, tweets, emails, controversies, lies, and scandals. It all makes for a good soap opera. Unfortunately, it's almost all irrelevant in the big picture.
Amazingly, more and more people are becoming bullish of metals and miners again. So, are we now setting up the final decline due to the increased bullishness? I think so. But, nothing suggests to me as of the time of my writing this update that the top of this...
September 29, 2015
Gold reached a low of 1123.90 in the overnight session, at the time that this Post was being written. We are waiting for the end of wave *ii* to occur. The 1123.90 low is now well within our retracement zones of:
Two huge pieces of news hit Monday like a one-two punch! First; UBS Is About To Blow The Cover On A Massive Gold-Rigging Scandal followed by; Saudi Arabia withdraws overseas funds. Gold and Oil both affect the dollar, and this is happening while global liquidity...
In late 2014, many investors in the Western gold community decided to invest the booming US stock market. I warned that without QE, the US stock market was turning into a “wet noodle”, and rate hikes could cause a global markets crash, in the September-October time...
Everyone is so focused on looking at the Fed and whether or not it decides to raise rates by a puny 0.25%, that they are completely overlooking the fact it is the market’s role to set interest rates…and if the Fed is not up to the job, then the markets will...